The robotic reporter: Automated journalism and the redefinition of labor, compositional forms, and journalistic authority M Carlson Journalism in an era of big data, 108-123, 2018 | 828 | 2018 |
Boundaries of journalism: Professionalism, practices and participation M Carlson, SC Lewis Routledge, 2015 | 762 | 2015 |
Metajournalistic discourse and the meanings of journalism: Definitional control, boundary work, and legitimation M Carlson Communication theory 26 (4), 349-368, 2016 | 713 | 2016 |
Journalistic authority: Legitimating news in the digital era M Carlson Columbia University Press, 2017 | 682 | 2017 |
The Many Boundaries of Journalism M Carlson Boundaries of Journalism. New York: Routledge, 1-18, 2015 | 359* | 2015 |
When news sites go native: Redefining the advertising–editorial divide in response to native advertising M Carlson Journalism 16 (7), 849-865, 2015 | 355 | 2015 |
Panopticon. com: Online surveillance and the commodification of privacy JE Campbell, M Carlson Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 46 (4), 586-606, 2002 | 347 | 2002 |
News startups as agents of innovation: For-profit digital news startup manifestos as metajournalistic discourse M Carlson, N Usher Digital journalism 4 (5), 563-581, 2016 | 302 | 2016 |
Dueling, dancing, or dominating? Journalists and their sources M Carlson Sociology Compass 3 (4), 526-542, 2009 | 276 | 2009 |
Blogs and journalistic authority: The role of blogs in US election day 2004 coverage M Carlson Journalism studies 8 (2), 264-279, 2007 | 268 | 2007 |
Automating judgment? Algorithmic judgment, news knowledge, and journalistic professionalism M Carlson New media & society 20 (5), 1755-1772, 2018 | 259 | 2018 |
Journalists, sources, and credibility: New perspectives B Franklin, M Carlson Routledge, 2010 | 233 | 2010 |
Fake news as an informational moral panic: the symbolic deviancy of social media during the 2016 US presidential election M Carlson Information, Communication & Society 23 (3), 374-388, 2020 | 231 | 2020 |
Facebook in the news: Social media, journalism, and public responsibility following the 2016 trending topics controversy M Carlson Digital journalism 6 (1), 4-20, 2018 | 202 | 2018 |
Confronting measurable journalism M Carlson Digital Journalism 6 (4), 406-417, 2018 | 184 | 2018 |
The information politics of journalism in a post-truth age M Carlson Journalism Studies 19 (13), 1879-1888, 2018 | 167 | 2018 |
Order versus access: News search engines and the challenge to traditional journalistic roles M Carlson Media, culture & society 29 (6), 1014-1030, 2007 | 152 | 2007 |
News after Trump: Journalism's crisis of relevance in a changed media culture M Carlson, S Robinson, SC Lewis Oxford University Press, 2021 | 127 | 2021 |
Tapping into TiVo: Digital video recorders and the transition from schedules to surveillance in television M Carlson New Media & Society 8 (1), 97-115, 2006 | 125 | 2006 |
Journalism studies and its core commitments: The making of a communication field M Carlson, S Robinson, SC Lewis, DA Berkowitz Journal of Communication 68 (1), 6-25, 2018 | 113 | 2018 |