Takip et
Ahmed Elsherbini
Ahmed Elsherbini
Professor of communication systems and networks, Cairo University
ieee.org üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Method and apparatus for differential run-length coding
AM El-Sherbini
US Patent 4,631,521, 1986
Peak-to-average power ratio reduction in OFDM systems using Huffman coding
AA Eltholth, AR Mikhail, A Elshirbini, MI Moawad, AI Abdelfattah
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 43, 266-270, 2008
Thresholding algorithm selection apparatus
AM El-Sherbini
US Patent 4,879,753, 1989
Coding for radio channels
G Battail, AHM El-Sherbini
Annals of Telecommunications 37 (1-2), 75-96, 1982
Cultural challenges in developing e-learning content
M Azer, A El-Sherbini
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 6 (1), 11-14, 2011
Modeling the effect of clipping and power amplifier non-linearities on OFDM systems
AA Eltholth, AR Mekhail, A Elshirbini, MI Dessouki, AI Abdelfattah
Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal 3 (1), 54-59, 2009
High resolution ARMA model reconstruction for NDE ultrasonic imaging
YH Pao, V Chen, A El-Sherbini
Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation: Volume 2A …, 1983
A new interoperable management model for IP and OSI architectures
AM Koth, A El-Sherbini, T Kamel
Proceedings of IEEE. AFRICON'96 2, 944-949, 1996
A New‐Trend Model‐Based to Solve the Peak Power Problems in OFDM Systems
AA Eltholth, AR Mekhail, A Elshirbini, MI Dessouki, AI Abdelfattah
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 2008 (1), 345478, 2008
Performance of multi-amplitude minimum shift keying (N-MSK) with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
AA Eltholth, AR Mikhail, A Elsherbini, MI Dessouky, AI Abdelfattah
EUROCON 2007-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool", 1057-1060, 2007
Ultra-wide multiplexing (WDM+ SDM) techniques in high-speed optical communication cables
AM El-Sherbini, AEA Mohamed, FZ El-Halafawy, AM Sharaf
The Fourth Workshop on Photonics and Its Application, 2004., 25-34, 2004
The Wang professional image computer: A new dimension to personal and office computing
FA Wang, AHM El-Sherbini, S Fry, M Smutek, N Webb
Proceedings of the IEEE 72 (3), 300-311, 1984
ARMA processing for ultrasonic reconstructive imaging
YH Pao, A El-Sherbini, VC Chen
1982 Ultrasonics Symposium, 691-695, 1982
SMSHM: Secure mesh mode protocol to enhance security of 4G networks
S Elramly, S Ashry, A Elkouny, A Elsherbini, H Elbadawy
2013 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), 1-5, 2013
E-learning policies strategies tools and content development: A case study
AM El-Sherbini, MA Azer
IEEE MultiDisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine, 2008
Distance Learning during COVID-19 : Lessons learned and Case Studies from Egypt
A Elsherbini
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference , EDUCON 2021, 2021
Clustered P2P Proxy-Assisted Architecture for On Demand Media Streaming
Y Labib, A El Sherbini, A Sabri
2009 International Conference on Computer Technology and Development 2, 95-100, 2009
Capacity building in the new era using blended e-learning
M Azer, A El-Sherbini
2008 ITI 6th International Conference on Information & Communications …, 2008
Low crest factor modulation techniques for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
AA Eltholth, AR Mekhail, A Elshirbini, MI Dessouki, AI Abdelfattah
UBICC, Ubiquitous computing and communication Journel 4, 2007
Random data encryption algorithm (RDEA)
A Ammar, AE Sherbini, I Ashour, M Shiple
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second National Radio Science Conference, 2005 …, 2005
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