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Marina Leite Puglisi
Marina Leite Puglisi
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Alıntı yapanlar
The home literacy environment is a correlate, but perhaps not a cause, of variations in children’s language and literacy development
ML Puglisi, C Hulme, LG Hamilton, MJ Snowling
Scientific Studies of Reading 21 (6), 498-514, 2017
Executive functioning and reading achievement in school: a study of Brazilian children assessed by their teachers as “poor readers”
PMJ Engel de Abreu, N Abreu, CC Nikaedo, ML Puglisi, CJ Tourinho, ...
Frontiers in psychology 5, 550, 2014
Cross-linguistic and cross-cultural effects on verbal working memory and vocabulary: Testing language-minority children with an immigrant background
PMJE de Abreu, M Baldassi, ML Puglisi, DM Befi-Lopes
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 56 (2), 630-642, 2013
Specific language impairment in language‐minority children from low‐income families
PMJ Engel de Abreu, A Cruz‐Santos, ML Puglisi
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 49 (6), 736-747, 2014
Perfil comunicativo de crianças com alterações específicas no desenvolvimento da linguagem: caracterização longitudinal das habilidades pragmáticas
DM Befi-Lopes, ML Puglisi, A Rodrigues, E Giusti, JP Gândara, K Araújo
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia 12, 265-273, 2007
Utilização e compreensão de preposições por crianças com distúrbio específico de linguagem
ML Puglisi, DM Befi-Lopes, N Takiuchi
Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica 17, 331-344, 2005
A pobreza e a mente: Perspectiva da ciência cognitiva
P ENGEL DE ABREU, C Tourinho, M Puglisi, C Nikaedo, N Abreu, ...
University of Luxembourg, Walferdange, Luxembourg, 2015
Effects of impoverished environmental conditions on working memory performance
PMJ Engel de Abreu, ML Puglisi, A Cruz-Santos, DM Befi-Lopes, R Martin
Memory 22 (4), 323-331, 2014
Behavior problems and social competence in Brazilian children with specific language impairment
ML Puglisi, AM Cáceres-Assenço, T Nogueira, DM Befi-Lopes
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 29 (0), 29, 2016
Psychometric investigation of the Raven’s colored progressive matrices test in a sample of preschool children
PS Lúcio, H Cogo-Moreira, M Puglisi, GV Polanczyk, TD Little
Assessment 26 (7), 1399-1408, 2019
É possível predizer o tempo de terapia das alterações específicas no desenvolvimento da linguagem?
ML Puglisi, JP Gândara, E Giusti, MA Gouvêa, DM Befi-Lopes
Jornal da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia 24, 57-61, 2012
Use and comprehension of prepositions by children with specific language impairment
ML Puglisi, DM Befi-Lopes, N Takiuchi
Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica 17, 331-344, 2005
Redação científica e a qualidade dos artigos: em busca de maior impacto
AM Cáceres, JP Gândara, ML Puglisi
Jornal da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia 23, 401-406, 2011
Scientific writing and the quality of papers: towards a higher impact
AM Cáceres, JP Gândara, ML Puglisi
Jornal da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia 23, 401-406, 2011
O efeito da tutela na narrativa de crianças em desenvolvimento típico
HG Silveira, BS Brocchi, J Perissinoto, ML Puglisi
CoDAS 31, e20180022, 2019
Challenges for implementation in diverse settings: Reflections on two randomised controlled trials of educational interventions in South American communities
DF Newbury, C Mesa, M Puglisi, M Nash, S Nag, C Hulme, MJ Snowling
Research Papers in Education 38 (6), 966-986, 2023
Investigating the measurement invariance and method-trait effects of parent and teacher SNAP-IV ratings of preschool children
PS Lúcio, M Eid, H Cogo-Moreira, ML Puglisi, GV Polanczyk
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 53 (3), 489-501, 2022
Psychometric properties and optimizing of the Bracken School Readiness Assessment
D De Almeida Maia, S Pohl, PMM Okuda, T Liu, ML Puglisi, G Ploubidis, ...
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 1-13, 2022
Por que devemos falar sobre transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem
AM Cáceres-Assenço, E Giusti, JP Gândara, ML Puglisi, N Takiuchi
Audiology-Communication Research 25, e2342, 2020
Tutoring effects in the narrative skills of typically developing children
HG Silveira, BS Brocchi, J Perissinoto, ML Puglisi
CoDAS 31, e20180022, 2019
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