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Guillermo Requena
Guillermo Requena
Prof. Dr., DLR - RWTH Aachen
dlr.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Correlation between porosity and processing parameters in TiAl6V4 produced by selective laser melting
G Kasperovich, J Haubrich, J Gussone, G Requena
Materials & Design 105, 160-170, 2016
The role of lattice defects, element partitioning and intrinsic heat effects on the microstructure in selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V
J Haubrich, J Gussone, P Barriobero-Vila, P Kürnsteiner, EA Jägle, ...
Acta Materialia 167, 136-148, 2019
Peritectic titanium alloys for 3D printing
P Barriobero-Vila, J Gussone, A Stark, N Schell, J Haubrich, G Requena
Nature communications 9 (1), 3426, 2018
Inducing stable α+ β microstructures during selective laser melting of Ti-6Al-4V using intensified intrinsic heat treatments
P Barriobero-Vila, J Gussone, J Haubrich, S Sandlöbes, JC Da Silva, ...
Materials 10 (3), 268, 2017
Three-dimensional rigid multiphase networks providing high-temperature strength to cast AlSi10Cu5Ni1-2 piston alloys
Z Asghar, G Requena, E Boller
Acta materialia 59 (16), 6420-6432, 2011
Thermal expansion behaviour of aluminum matrix composites with densely packed SiC particles
TH Nam, G Requena, P Degischer
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39 (5), 856-865, 2008
The role of Ni and Fe aluminides on the elevated temperature strength of an AlSi12 alloy
Z Asghar, G Requena, F Kubel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (21-22), 5691-5698, 2010
Influence of phase transformation kinetics on the formation of α in a β-quenched Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr–1Zr alloy
P Barriobero-Vila, G Requena, S Schwarz, F Warchomicka, T Buslaps
Acta Materialia 95, 90-101, 2015
An assessment of subsurface residual stress analysis in SLM Ti-6Al-4V
T Mishurova, S Cabeza, K Artzt, J Haubrich, M Klaus, C Genzel, ...
Materials 10 (4), 348, 2017
Three-dimensional study of Ni aluminides in an AlSi12 alloy by means of light optical and synchrotron microtomography
Z Asghar, G Requena, HP Degischer, P Cloetens
Acta Materialia 57 (14), 4125-4132, 2009
New aspects about the search for the most relevant parameters optimizing SLM materials
T Mishurova, K Artzt, J Haubrich, G Requena, G Bruno
Additive Manufacturing 25, 325-334, 2019
Phase transformation kinetics during continuous heating of a β-quenched Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al alloy
P Barriobero-Vila, G Requena, F Warchomicka, A Stark, N Schell, ...
Journal of materials science 50, 1412-1426, 2015
A comparative study of high resolution cone beam X-ray tomography and synchrotron tomography applied to Fe-and Al-alloys
J Kastner, B Harrer, G Requena, O Brunke
Ndt & E International 43 (7), 599-605, 2010
3D-Quantification of the distribution of continuous fibres in unidirectionally reinforced composites
G Requena, G Fiedler, B Seiser, P Degischer, M Di Michiel, T Buslaps
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 40 (2), 152-163, 2009
ECAP vs. direct extrusion—Techniques for consolidation of ultra-fine Al particles
M Balog, F Simancik, O Bajana, G Requena
Materials Science and Engineering: A 504 (1-2), 1-7, 2009
Role of element partitioning on the α–β phase transformation kinetics of a bi-modal Ti–6Al–6V–2Sn alloy during continuous heating
P Barriobero-Vila, G Requena, T Buslaps, M Alfeld, U Boesenberg
Journal of alloys and compounds 626, 330-339, 2015
An in situ investigation of microscopic infusion and void transport during vacuum-assisted infiltration by means of X-ray computed tomography
J Vila, F Sket, F Wilde, G Requena, C González, J LLorca
Composites science and technology 119, 12-19, 2015
Sub-micrometer synchrotron tomography of multiphase metals using Kirkpatrick–Baez optics
G Requena, P Cloetens, W Altendorfer, C Poletti, D Tolnai, ...
Scripta Materialia 61 (7), 760-763, 2009
3D elemental sensitive imaging using transmission X-ray microscopy
Y Liu, F Meirer, J Wang, G Requena, P Williams, J Nelson, A Mehta, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 404, 1297-1301, 2012
In situ synchrotron tomographic investigation of the solidification of an AlMg4. 7Si8 alloy
D Tolnai, P Townsend, G Requena, L Salvo, J Lendvai, HP Degischer
Acta materialia 60 (6-7), 2568-2577, 2012
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