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Gabriela Gama
Gabriela Gama
Juiz de Fora Federal University
ufjf.br üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Effects of gait training with body weight support on a treadmill versus overground in individuals with stroke
GL Gama, ML Celestino, JA Barela, L Forrester, J Whitall, AM Barela
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 98 (4), 738-745, 2017
Motor function in children with congenital Zika syndrome
A Melo, GL Gama, RA Da Silva Júnior, PL De Assunção, JS Tavares, ...
Developmental medicine & child neurology 62 (2), 221-226, 2020
Effects of treadmill inclination on hemiparetic gait: controlled and randomized clinical trial
GL Gama, LC de Lucena Trigueiro, CR Simão, AVC de Sousa, ...
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 94 (9), 718-727, 2015
Influence of visual and auditory biofeedback on partial body weight support treadmill training of individuals with chronic hemiparesis: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
A Brasileiro, G Gama, L Trigueiro, T Ribeiro, E Silva, É Galvão, ...
European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 51 (1), 49-58, 2015
Gait initiation and partial body weight unloading for functional improvement in post-stroke individuals
GL Gama, ML Celestino, JA Barela, AMF Barela
Gait & posture 68, 305-310, 2019
Influence of treadmill gait training with additional load on motor function, postural instability and history of falls for individuals with Parkinson's disease: a randomized …
LC de Lucena Trigueiro, GL Gama, TS Ribeiro, LGL de Macedo Ferreira, ...
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 21 (1), 93-100, 2017
Gait alterations during walking with partial body weight supported on a treadmill and over the ground
AMF Barela, GL Gama, DV Russo-Junior, ML Celestino, JA Barela
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8139, 2019
Post-stroke hemiparesis: Does chronicity, etiology, and lesion side are associated with gait pattern?
GL Gama, CL Larissa, ACAL Brasileiro, EMGS Silva, ÉRVP Galvão, ...
Topics in sTroke rehabiliTaTion 24 (5), 388-393, 2017
Gait characteristics of children with cerebral palsy as they walk with body weight unloading on a treadmill and over the ground
ML Celestino, GL Gama, AMF Barela
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (12), 3624-3631, 2014
Comparing the effects of adapting to a weight on one leg during treadmill and overground walking: A pilot study
GL Gama, DN Savin, T Keenan, SMC Waller, J Whitall
Gait & Posture 59, 35-39, 2018
Intralimb gait coordination of individuals with stroke using vector coding
ML Celestino, R van Emmerik, JA Barela, GL Gama, AMF Barela
Human Movement Science 68, 102522, 2019
Effect of intensive physiotherapy training for children with congenital Zika syndrome: a retrospective cohort study
GL Gama, MMR de Amorim, RA da Silva Júnior, AC de Sousa Santos, ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 102 (3), 413-422, 2021
Classification of congenital Zika syndrome: Muscle tone, motor type, body segments affected, and gross motor function
JS Tavares, GL Gama, MC Dias Borges, AC de Sousa Santos, JS Tavares, ...
Developmental Neurorehabilitation 24 (5), 296-302, 2021
Effects of Treadmill Training with Load on Gait in Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
LC Trigueiro, GL Gama, CR Simao, AV Sousa, AR Lindquist
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 94 (10 Suppl 1), 830-837, 2015
Habilidade manual do paciente hemiplégico comparado ao idoso saudável
GL Gama, MM Novaes, CIF Franco, DP de Araújo, GS Galdino
Revista Neurociências 18 (4), 443-447, 2010
Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA): Conhecimento e Sobrecarga dos Pais
APT Soares, BM da Silva, LS Santos, GL Gama
Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano 8 (3), 09-16, 2020
Mental health and burden in mothers of children with congenital Zika syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic
GL Gama, BM Silva, MB Silva, RVB Ferreira, JS Tavares, A Melo
Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil 21, 481-490, 2021
Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in cases of congenital Zika syndrome
A Melo, J de Sales Tavares, M de Assis Costa, R Santana de Aguiar, ...
Prenatal Diagnosis 40 (13), 1732-1740, 2020
Gait alterations induced by unloaded body weight in individuals with stroke while walking on moveable and fixed surfaces
A Barela, M Celestino, G Gama, D Russo-Junior, D Santana, J Barela
Medical Engineering & Physics 95, 9-14, 2021
Avaliação da interação multissensorial na “ilusão da mão de borracha”
MM Novaes, GL Gama, JTRV de Melo, DP de Araújo, CIF Franco
Revista Neurociências 19 (1), 26-33, 2011
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