Takip et
Laurent Toutain
Laurent Toutain
IMT Atlantique
touta.in üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Measurements, performance and analysis of LoRa FABIAN, a real-world implementation of LPWAN
T Petrić, M Goessens, L Nuaymi, L Toutain, A Pelov
2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2016
Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Overview
S Farrell
RFC 8724: SCHC: Generic Framework for static context header compression and fragmentation
A Minaburo, L Toutain, C Gomez, D Barthel, JC Zúñiga
RFC Editor, 2020
Dual stack transition mechanism (DSTM)
J Bound, L Toutain, H Afifi, F Dupont, A Durand
48th IETF, The Internet Engineering Task Force Meeting, ., 2000
MTD, where art thou? A systematic review of moving target defense techniques for IoT
RE Navas, F Cuppens, NB Cuppens, L Toutain, GZ Papadopoulos
IEEE internet of things journal 8 (10), 7818-7832, 2020
IPv6 over LPWANs: Connecting low power wide area networks to the Internet (of Things)
C Gomez, A Minaburo, L Toutain, D Barthel, JC Zuniga
IEEE Wireless Communications 27 (1), 206-213, 2020
Generating realistic smart grid communication topologies based on real-data
T Hartmann, F Fouquet, J Klein, Y Le Traon, A Pelov, L Toutain, ...
2014 IEEE International conference on smart grid communications …, 2014
Methods for ipv4-ipv6 transition
H Afifi, L Toutain
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications …, 1999
IPv6 over low-power wireless personal area network (6LoWPAN) routing header
P Thubert, C Bormann, L Toutain, R Cragie
Configuration and analysis of robust header compression in UMTS
A Minaburo, L Nuaymi, KD Singh, L Toutain
14th IEEE Proceedings on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications …, 2003
Dynamic deployment of context-aware access control policies for constrained security devices
S Preda, F Cuppens, N Cuppens-Boulahia, J Garcia-Alfaro, L Toutain
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (7), 1144-1159, 2011
Réseaux locaux et Internet
L Toutain
Hermes, 2003
Model-driven security policy deployment: property oriented approach
S Preda, N Cuppens-Boulahia, F Cuppens, J Garcia-Alfaro, L Toutain
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: Second International Symposium …, 2010
End-to-end active measurement architecture in ip networks (saturne)
J Corral, G Texier, L Toutain
Proceedings of Passive and Active Measurement Workshop PAM 3, 2003
Performance analysis of a header compression protocol: The ROHC unidirectional mode
A Couvreur, LML Ny, A Minaburo, G Rubino, B Sericola, L Toutain
Telecommunication systems 31, 85-98, 2006
Dual stack ipv6 dominant transition mechanism (DSTM)
J Bound, L Toutain, JL Richier
draft-bound-dstm-exp-04, 2005
Semantic context aware security policy deployment
S Preda, F Cuppens, N Cuppens-Boulahia, JG Alfaro, L Toutain, ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Information, Computer, and …, 2009
Dual stack transition mechanism
J Bound, L Toutain, O Medina, F Dupont, M Shin
Work in progress, 2003
No Administration Protocol (NAP) for IPv6 router auto-configuration
G Chelius, E Fleury, L Toutain
19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2005
Physical resilience to insider attacks in IoT networks: Independent cryptographically secure sequences for DSSS anti-jamming
RE Navas, F Cuppens, NB Cuppens, L Toutain, GZ Papadopoulos
Computer Networks 187, 107751, 2021
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