Quantizing string theory in AdS5× S5: Beyond the pp-wave CG Callan Jr, HK Lee, T McLoughlin, JH Schwarz, I Swanson, X Wu
Nuclear Physics B 673 (1-2), 3-40, 2003
260 2003 Holography beyond the Penrose limit CG Callan Jr, T McLoughlin, I Swanson
Nuclear physics B 694 (1-2), 115-169, 2004
176 2004 Connecting giant magnons to the -wave: An interpolating limit of J Maldacena, I Swanson
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (2), 026002, 2007
128 2007 Higher impurity AdS/CFT correspondence in the near-BMN limit CG Callan Jr, T McLoughlin, I Swanson
Nuclear Physics B 700 (1-3), 271-312, 2004
109 2004 Cosmological solutions of supercritical string theory S Hellerman, I Swanson
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 77 (12), 126011, 2008
80 2008 Dimension-changing exact solutions of string theory S Hellerman, I Swanson
Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 (09), 096, 2007
62 2007 N-impurity superstring spectra near the pp-wave limit T McLoughlin, I Swanson
Nuclear Physics B 702 (1-2), 86-108, 2004
62 2004 String theory of the Regge intercept S Hellerman, I Swanson
Physical review letters 114 (11), 111601, 2015
55 2015 Quantizing string theory in AdS 5× S 5: beyond the pp-wave 2003 CG Callan Jr, HK Lee, T McLoughlin, JH Schwarz, I Swanson, X Wu
Nucl. Phys. B 673 (3), 0
51 Effective string theory simplified S Hellerman, S Maeda, J Maltz, I Swanson
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (9), 1-22, 2014
50 2014 Charting the landscape of supercritical string theory S Hellerman, I Swanson
Physical review letters 99 (17), 171601, 2007
50 2007 Cosmological unification of string theories S Hellerman, I Swanson
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (07), 022, 2008
41 2008 Integrable twists in AdS/CFT T McLoughlin, I Swanson
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 (08), 084, 2006
41 2006 Quantum string integrability and AdS/CFT I Swanson
Nuclear Physics B 709 (3), 443-464, 2005
38 2005 Open string integrability and AdS/CFT T McLoughlin, I Swanson
Nuclear Physics B 723 (1-2), 132-162, 2005
31 2005 On the Integrability of String Theory in AdS_5 x S^ 5 I Swanson
arXiv preprint hep-th/0405172, 2004
30 2004 Superstring holography and integrability in AdS (5) x S (5) I Swanson
California Institute of Technology, 2005
29 2005 Lattice super-Yang–Mills: a virial approach to operator dimensions CG Callan Jr, J Heckman, T McLoughlin, I Swanson
Nuclear Physics B 701 (1-2), 180-206, 2004
26 2004 A stable vacuum of the tachyonic E8 string S Hellerman, I Swanson
arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.1628, 2007
22 2007 A review of integrable deformations in AdS/CFT I Swanson
Modern Physics Letters A 22 (13), 915-930, 2007
20 2007