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130 2000 Solitons and Scattering for the Cubic–Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation on R Killip, T Oh, O Pocovnicu, M Vişan
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106 2010 Sobolev spaces adapted to the Schrödinger operator with inverse-square potential R Killip, C Miao, M Visan, J Zhang, J Zheng
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105 2018 Energy-Supercritical NLS: Critical [Hdot] s -Bounds Imply Scattering R Killip, M Visan
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100 1997 The focusing cubic NLS with inverse-square potential in three space dimensions R Killip, J Murphy, M Visan, J Zheng
98 2017 Adaptive single-shot phase measurements: The full quantum theory HM Wiseman, RB Killip
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98 1998 Low regularity conservation laws for integrable PDE R Killip, M Vişan, X Zhang
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92 2015 The defocusing energy-supercritical nonlinear wave equation in three space dimensions R Killip, M Visan
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88 2011