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Ning Li
Ning Li
sem.tsinghua.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics
MR Barrick, MK Mount, N Li
Academy of management review 38 (1), 132-153, 2013
The five-factor model of personality traits and organizational citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis.
DS Chiaburu, IS Oh, CM Berry, N Li, RG Gardner
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (6), 1140-1166, 2011
The role of proactive personality in job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior: A relational perspective.
N Li, J Liang, JM Crant
Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (2), 395, 2010
Leader–member exchange (LMX) in context: How LMX differentiation and LMX relational separation attenuate LMX's influence on OCB and turnover intention
TB Harris, N Li, BL Kirkman
The leadership quarterly 25 (2), 314-328, 2014
Getting What's New from Newcomers: Empowering Leadership, Creativity, and Adjustment in the Socialization Context
TB Harris, N Li, WR Boswell, X Zhang, Z Xie
Personnel Psychology 67, 567–604, 2014
The role of organizational insiders' developmental feedback and proactive personality on newcomers' performance: An interactionist perspective.
N Li, TB Harris, WR Boswell, Z Xie
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (6), 1317, 2011
Understanding “it depends” in organizational research: A theory-based taxonomy, review, and future research agenda concerning interactive and quadratic relationships
RG Gardner, TB Harris, N Li, BL Kirkman, JE Mathieu
Organizational Research Methods 20 (4), 610-638, 2017
Getting everyone on board: The effect of differentiated transformational leadership by CEOs on top management team effectiveness and leader-rated firm performance
X Zhang, N Li, J Ullrich, R van Dick
Journal of management 41 (7), 1898-1933, 2015
Cross-Level Influences of Empowering Leadership on Citizenship Behavior Organizational Support Climate as a Double-Edged Sword
N Li, DS Chiaburu, BL Kirkman
Journal of Management, 2014
Scientific contributions of within-person research in management: Making the juice worth the squeeze
BW McCormick, CJ Reeves, PE Downes, N Li, R Ilies
Journal of Management 46 (2), 321-350, 2020
Spotlight on the Followers: An Examination of Moderators of Relationships Between Transformational Leadership and Subordinates’ Citizenship and Taking Charge
N Li, DS Chiaburu, BL Kirkman, Z Xie
Personnel Psychology 66 (1), 225-260, 2013
Putting non-work ties to work: The case of guanxi in supervisor–subordinate relationships
X Zhang, N Li, TB Harris
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (1), 37-54, 2015
Organizational support and citizenship behaviors: A comparative cross-cultural meta-analysis
DS Chiaburu, S Chakrabarty, J Wang, N Li
Management International Review 55, 707-736, 2015
Playing it safe for my family: Exploring the dual effects of family motivation on employee productivity and creativity
X Zhang, H Liao, N Li, AE Colbert
Academy of Management Journal 63 (6), 1923-1950, 2020
Rising to the Challenge: Deep Acting is More Beneficial When Tasks are Appraised as Challenging.
JL Huang, DS Chiaburu, X Zhang, N Li, AA Grandey
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2015
Understanding the curvilinear relationships between LMX differentiation and team coordination and performance
Y Sui, H Wang, BL Kirkman, N Li
Personnel Psychology 69 (3), 559-597, 2016
N Li, B Kirkman, C Porter
Academy of Management Review, amr. 2011.0160, 2014
Retaining the productive employee: The role of personality
N Li, MR Barrick, RD Zimmerman, DS Chiaburu
The Academy of Management Annals 8 (1), 347-395, 2014
Revisiting how and when perceived organizational support enhances taking charge: An inverted U-shaped perspective
MF Burnett, DS Chiaburu, DL Shapiro, N Li
Journal of Management 41 (7), 1805-1826, 2015
The Boon and Bane of Creative “Stars”: A Social Network Exploration of How and When Team Creativity Is (and Is Not) Driven by a Star Teammate
Y Li, N Li, C Li, J Li
Academy of Management Journal, 2019
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