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Hoang-Long Cao
Hoang-Long Cao
Brussels Human Robotics Research Center, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
How to build a supervised autonomous system for robot-enhanced therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder
PG Esteban, P Baxter, T Belpaeme, E Billing, H Cai, HL Cao, ...
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 8 (1), 18-38, 2017
A review of gait phase detection algorithms for lower limb prostheses
HTT Vu, D Dong, HL Cao, T Verstraten, D Lefeber, B Vanderborght, ...
Sensors 20 (14), 3972, 2020
Robot-enhanced therapy: Development and validation of supervised autonomous robotic system for autism spectrum disorders therapy
HL Cao, PG Esteban, M Bartlett, P Baxter, T Belpaeme, E Billing, H Cai, ...
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 26 (2), 49-58, 2019
The DREAM Dataset: Supporting a data-driven study of autism spectrum disorder and robot enhanced therapy
E Billing, T Belpaeme, H Cai, HL Cao, A Ciocan, C Costescu, D David, ...
PloS one 15 (8), e0236939, 2020
A personalized and platform-independent behavior control system for social robots in therapy: development and applications
HL Cao, G Van de Perre, J Kennedy, E Senft, PG Esteban, A De Beir, ...
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 11 (3), 334-346, 2018
A reinforcement learning based cognitive empathy framework for social robots
E Bagheri, O Roesler, HL Cao, B Vanderborght
International Journal of Social Robotics 13, 1079-1093, 2021
Modeling and design of an energy-efficient dual-motor actuation unit with a planetary differential and holding brakes
T Verstraten, R Furnémont, P López-García, D Rodriguez-Cianca, HL Cao, ...
Mechatronics 49, 134-148, 2018
Robot-assisted joint attention: A comparative study between children with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children in interaction with NAO
HL Cao, RE Simut, N Desmet, A De Beir, G Van De Perre, ...
IEEE Access 8, 223325-223334, 2020
In or out? A field observational study on the placement of entertaining robots in retailing
L De Gauquier, M Brengman, K Willems, HL Cao, B Vanderborght
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 49 (7), 846-874, 2021
An autonomous cognitive empathy model responsive to users’ facial emotion expressions
E Bagheri, PG Esteban, HL Cao, A De Beir, D Lefeber, B Vanderborght
ACM Trans Interact Intell Syst (TIIS) 10 (3), 1-23, 2020
Enhancing emotional facial expressiveness on NAO: A case study using pluggable eyebrows
A De Beir, HL Cao, P Gómez Esteban, G Van de Perre, D Lefeber, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics 8, 513-521, 2016
Humanoid robot pepper at a Belgian chocolate shop
L De Gauquier, HL Cao, P Gomez Esteban, A De Beir, S Van De Sanden, ...
Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot …, 2018
A Collaborative Homeostatic-Based Behavior Controller for Social Robots in Human–Robot Interaction Experiments
HL Cao, PG Esteban, A De Beir, R Simut, G Van de Perre, D Lefeber, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics 9 (5), 675–690, 2017
Do infants perceive the social robot Keepon as a communicative partner?
A Peca, R Simut, HL Cao, B Vanderborght
Infant Behavior and Development 42, 157-167, 2016
Should i be introvert or extrovert? a pairwise robot comparison assessing the perception of personality-based social robot behaviors
PG Esteban, E Bagheri, SA Elprama, CIC Jewell, HL Cao, A De Beir, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-11, 2022
Enhancing My Keepon robot: A simple and low-cost solution for robot platform in Human-Robot Interaction studies
HL Cao, G Van de Perre, R Simut, C Pop, A Peca, D Lefeber, ...
The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2014
Together or alone: Should service robots and frontline employees collaborate in retail-customer interactions at the POS?
L De Gauquier, K Willems, HL Cao, B Vanderborght, M Brengman
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 70, 103176, 2023
Generic method for generating blended gestures and affective functional behaviors for social robots
G Van de Perre, HL Cao, A De Beir, PG Esteban, D Lefeber, ...
Autonomous Robots 42, 569-580, 2018
A survey on behavior control architectures for social robots in healthcare interventions
HL Cao, PG Esteban, A De Beir, R Simut, G Perre, D Lefeber, ...
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 14 (04), 1750021, 2017
Probolino: A portable low-cost social device for home-based autism therapy
HL Cao, C Pop, R Simut, R Furnemónt, A De Beir, G Van de Perre, ...
Social Robotics: 7th International Conference, ICSR 2015, Paris, France …, 2015
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