Experiences from the spoken Dutch corpus project NHJ Oostdijk, W Goedertier, F Eynde, LWJ Boves, JP Martens, ... Paris: ELRA, 2002 | 212 | 2002 |
Large scale syntactic annotation of written Dutch: Lassy G Van Noord, G Bouma, F Van Eynde, D De Kok, J Van der Linde, ... Essential speech and language technology for Dutch: results by the STEVIN …, 2013 | 159 | 2013 |
NP-internal agreement and the structure of the noun phrase F Van Eynde Journal of Linguistics 42 (1), 139-186, 2006 | 116 | 2006 |
Example-based treebank querying L Augustinus, V Vandeghinste, F Van Eynde Proceedings of the 8th international conference on language resources and …, 2012 | 87 | 2012 |
Part of Speech Tagging and Lemmatisation for the Spoken Dutch Corpus. F Van Eynde, J Zavrel, W Daelemans LREC, 2000 | 62 | 2000 |
Part of speech tagging en lemmatisering van het Corpus Gesproken Nederlands F Van Eynde KU Leuven, 2004 | 56 | 2004 |
The Eurotra linguistic specifications: An overview J Durand, P Bennett, V Allegranza, F Van Eynde, L Humphreys, ... Machine Translation 6, 103-147, 1991 | 48 | 1991 |
Linguistics for machine translation: The Eurotra linguistic specifications P Bennett, V Allegranza, J Durand, F Van Eynde, L Humphreys, ... The Eurotra Linguistic Specifications, 15-123, 1991 | 47 | 1991 |
Translating text into pictographs V Vandeghinste, ISL Sevens, F Van Eynde Natural Language Engineering 23 (2), 217-244, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
Lessons from the English auxiliary system IA Sag, RP Chaves, A Abeillé, B Estigarribia, D Flickinger, P Kay, ... Journal of Linguistics 56 (1), 87-155, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
The analysis of tense and aspect in Eurotra F Van Eynde Coling Budapest 1988 Volume 2: International Conference on Computational …, 1988 | 40 | 1988 |
Lexicon development for speech and language processing F Van Eynde Springer, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
Predicative constructions: From the Fregean to a Montagovian treatment F Eynde (No Title), 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
The immediate dominance schemata of HPSG: A deconstruction and a reconstruction F Van Eynde Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 1997, 119-133, 1998 | 35 | 1998 |
Part of speech tagging en lemmatisering F Van Eynde Protocol voor annotatoren in D-Coi. Project internal document, 2001 | 31 | 2001 |
Tense, aspect and negation F Van Eynde Linguistic Specifications for Typed Feature Structure Formalisms 10, 209-280, 1998 | 30 | 1998 |
Linguistic issues in machine translation F Van Eydne Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Minor adpositions in Dutch F Van Eynde The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 7 (1), 1-58, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
Auxiliaries and verbal affixes: A monostratal cross-linguistic analysis F Van Eynde Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Letteren, Departement Linguïstiek, 1994 | 28 | 1994 |
A monostratal treatment of it extraposition without lexical rules F Van Eynde Papers from the Sixth CLIN Meeting, 231-248, 1996 | 27 | 1996 |