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Marco Brenna
Marco Brenna
Geology Department, The University of Otago
otago.ac.nz üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Mechanisms driving polymagmatic activity at a monogenetic volcano, Udo, Jeju Island, South Korea
M Brenna, SJ Cronin, IEM Smith, YK Sohn, K Németh
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 160, 931-950, 2010
Genesis of the world’s largest rare earth element deposit, Bayan Obo, China: Protracted mineralization evolution over∼ 1 by
W Song, C Xu, MP Smith, AR Chakhmouradian, M Brenna, J Kynický, ...
Geology 46 (4), 323-326, 2018
The influence of magma plumbing complexity on monogenetic eruptions, Jeju Island, Korea
M Brenna, SJ Cronin, K Nemeth, IEM Smith, YK Sohn
Terra Nova 23 (2), 70-75, 2011
How small-volume basaltic magmatic systems develop: a case study from the Jeju Island Volcanic Field, Korea
M Brenna, SJ Cronin, IEM Smith, R Maas, YK Sohn
Journal of Petrology 53 (5), 985-1018, 2012
Perils in distinguishing phreatic from phreatomagmatic ash; insights into the eruption mechanisms of the 6 August 2012 Mt. Tongariro eruption, New Zealand
N Pardo, SJ Cronin, K Németh, M Brenna, CI Schipper, E Breard, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 286, 397-414, 2014
Spatio-temporal evolution of a dispersed magmatic system and its implications for volcano growth, Jeju Island Volcanic Field, Korea
M Brenna, SJ Cronin, IEM Smith, YK Sohn, R Maas
Lithos 148, 337-352, 2012
Dynamics of surges generated by hydrothermal blasts during the 6 August 2012 Te Maari eruption, Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand
G Lube, ECP Breard, SJ Cronin, JN Procter, M Brenna, A Moebis, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 286, 348-366, 2014
Ilchulbong tuff cone, Jeju Island, Korea, revisited: a compound monogenetic volcano involving multiple magma pulses, shifting vents, and discrete eruptive phases
YK Sohn, SJ Cronin, M Brenna, IEM Smith, K Németh, JDL White, ...
Bulletin 124 (3-4), 259-274, 2012
Intraplate volcanism influenced by distal subduction tectonics at Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
M Brenna, SJ Cronin, G Kereszturi, YK Sohn, IEM Smith, J Wijbrans
Bulletin of volcanology 77, 1-16, 2015
Post-caldera volcanism reveals shallow priming of an intra-ocean arc andesitic caldera: Hunga volcano, Tonga, SW Pacific
M Brenna, SJ Cronin, IEM Smith, A Pontesilli, M Tost, S Barker, ...
Lithos 412, 106614, 2022
Peridotitic lithosphere metasomatized by volatile-bearing melts, and its association with intraplate alkaline HIMU-like magmatism
JM Scott, M Brenna, JA Crase, TE Waight, QHA van der Meer, AF Cooper, ...
Journal of Petrology 57 (10), 2053-2078, 2016
New Volcanic Island Unveils Explosive Past
SJ Cronin, M Brenna, IEM Smith, S Barker, M Tost, M Ford, ...
EOS 98 (9), 18-23, 2017
Final magma storage depth modulation of explosivity and trachyte–phonolite genesis at an intraplate volcano: a case study from Ulleung Island, South Korea
M Brenna, R Price, SJ Cronin, IEM Smith, YK Sohn, GB Kim, R Maas
Journal of Petrology 55 (4), 709-747, 2014
Crystallization kinetics of clinopyroxene and titanomagnetite growing from a trachybasaltic melt: New insights from isothermal time-series experiments
A Pontesilli, M Masotta, M Nazzari, S Mollo, P Armienti, P Scarlato, ...
Chemical Geology 510, 113-129, 2019
Vesiculation and quenching during surtseyan eruptions at hunga tonga‐hunga ha'apai volcano, tonga
M Colombier, B Scheu, FB Wadsworth, S Cronin, J Vasseur, KJ Dobson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (5), 3762-3779, 2018
Volcanic ash leachate compositions and assessment of health and agricultural hazards from 2012 hydrothermal eruptions, Tongariro, New Zealand
SJ Cronin, C Stewart, AV Zernack, M Brenna, JN Procter, N Pardo, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 286, 233-247, 2014
Olivine xenocryst diffusion reveals rapid monogenetic basaltic magma ascent following complex storage at Pupuke Maar, Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
M Brenna, SJ Cronin, IEM Smith, PME Tollan, JM Scott, DJ Prior, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 13-22, 2018
The Dunedin Volcanic Group and a revised model for Zealandia's alkaline intraplate volcanism
JM Scott, A Pontesilli, M Brenna, JDL White, E Giacalone, JM Palin, ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 63 (4), 510-529, 2020
Modern analogues for Miocene to Pleistocene alkali basaltic phreatomagmatic fields in the Pannonian Basin:“soft-substrate” to “combined” aquifer controlled phreatomagmatism in …
K Németh, S Cronin, M Haller, M Brenna, G Csillag
Open Geosciences 2 (3), 339-361, 2010
Carbon–strontium isotope decoupling in carbonatites from Caotan (Qinling, China): implications for the origin of calcite carbonatite in orogenic settings
CW Wei, C Xu, AR Chakhmouradian, M Brenna, J Kynicky, WL Song
Journal of Petrology 61 (2), egaa024, 2020
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