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Helen Green
Helen Green
unimelb.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
U–Pb-dated flowstones restrict South African early hominin record to dry climate phases
R Pickering, AIR Herries, JD Woodhead, JC Hellstrom, HE Green, B Paul, ...
Nature 565 (7738), 226-229, 2019
Ages for Australia’s oldest rock paintings
D Finch, A Gleadow, J Hergt, P Heaney, H Green, C Myers, P Veth, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (3), 310-318, 2021
Connections, culture and environments around 100 000 years ago at Klasies River main site
S Wurz, SE Bentsen, J Reynard, L Van Pletzen-Vos, M Brenner, ...
Quaternary international 495, 102-115, 2018
Mineral deposition systems at rock art sites, Kimberley, Northern Australia—Field observations
H Green, A Gleadow, D Finch, J Hergt, S Ouzman
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14, 340-352, 2017
12,000-Year-old Aboriginal rock art from the Kimberley region, Western Australia
D Finch, A Gleadow, J Hergt, VA Levchenko, P Heaney, P Veth, S Harper, ...
Science Advances 6 (6), eaay3922, 2020
Evidence for global teleconnections in a late Pleistocene speleothem record of water balance and vegetation change at Sudwala Cave, South Africa
H Green, R Pickering, R Drysdale, BC Johnson, J Hellstrom, M Wallace
Quaternary Science Reviews 110, 114-130, 2015
Late survival of megafauna refuted for Cloggs Cave, SE Australia: Implications for the Australian Late Pleistocene megafauna extinction debate
B David, LJ Arnold, JJ Delannoy, J Fresløv, C Urwin, F Petchey, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 253, 106781, 2021
2000 Year-old Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa) Aboriginal food remains, Australia
B Stephenson, B David, J Fresløv, LJ Arnold, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 22151, 2020
50 years and worlds apart: Rethinking the Holocene occupation of Cloggs Cave (East Gippsland, SE Australia) five decades after its initial archaeological excavation and in …
B David, J Fresløv, R Mullett, ...
Australian Archaeology 87 (1), 1-20, 2021
Geomorphological context and formation history of Cloggs Cave: What was the cave like when people inhabited it?
JJ Delannoy, B David, J Fresløv, R Mullett, GK Land, H Green, J Berthet, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33, 102461, 2020
Using speleothems to constrain late Cenozoic uplift rates in karst terranes
J Engel, J Woodhead, J Hellstrom, S White, N White, H Green
Geology 48 (8), 755-760, 2020
1.32±0.11 Ma age for underwater remains constrain antiquity and longevity of the Dominican primate Antillothrix bernensis
AL Rosenberger, R Pickering, H Green, SB Cooke, M Tallman, A Morrow, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 88, 85-96, 2015
Dating correlated microlayers in oxalate accretions from rock art shelters: New archives of paleoenvironments and human activity
H Green, A Gleadow, VA Levchenko, D Finch, C Myers, J McGovern, ...
Science Advances 7 (33), eabf3632, 2021
Micro‐stromatolitic laminations and the origins of engraved, oxalate‐rich accretions from Australian rock art shelters
H Green, A Gleadow, D Finch, C Myers, J McGovern
Geoarchaeology 36 (6), 964-977, 2021
Investigating the anthropic construction of rock art sites through archaeomorphology: The case of Borologa, Kimberley, Australia
JJ Delannoy, B David, K Genuite, R Gunn, D Finch, S Ouzman, H Green, ...
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 27 (3), 631-669, 2020
Characterisation of mineral deposition systems associated with rock art in the Kimberley region of northwest Australia
H Green, A Gleadow, D Finch
Data in brief 14, 813-835, 2017
Tufas indicate prolonged periods of water availability linked to human occupation in the southern Kalahari
J von der Meden, R Pickering, BJ Schoville, H Green, R Weij, J Hellstrom, ...
PLoS One 17 (7), e0270104, 2022
Determining the origin and changing shape of landscape‐scale rock formations with three‐dimensional modelling: The Borologa rock shelters, Kimberley region, Australia
K Genuite, JJ Delannoy, B David, A Unghango, G Cazes, R Fulop, D Fink, ...
Geoarchaeology 36 (4), 662-680, 2021
Re‐analysis of key evidence in the case for a hemispherically synchronous response to the Younger Dryas climatic event
H Green, J Woodhead, J Hellstrom, R Pickering, R Drysdale
Journal of Quaternary Science 28 (1), 8-12, 2013
A model for the formation of layered soda-straw stalactites
B Paul, R Drysdale, H Green, J Woodhead, J Hellstrom, R Eberhard
International Journal of Speleology 42 (2), 8, 2013
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