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Keith C Barton
Keith C Barton
indiana.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Teaching history for the common good
KC Barton, LS Levstik
Routledge, 2004
Doing history: Investigating with children in elementary and middle schools
LS Levstik, KC Barton
Routledge, 2022
History, identity, and the school curriculum in Northern Ireland: an empirical study of secondary students' ideas and perspectives
KC Barton, AW McCully
Journal of Curriculum Studies 37 (1), 85-116, 2005
Elicitation techniques: Getting people to talk about ideas they don’t usually talk about
KC Barton
Theory & Research in Social Education 43 (2), 179-205, 2015
Primary sources in history: Breaking through the myths
KC Barton
Phi Delta Kappan 86 (10), 745-753, 2005
“Back when God was around and everything”: Elementary children’s understanding of historical time
KC Barton, LS Levstik
American educational research journal 33 (2), 419-454, 1996
14 Research on students’ ideas about history
KC Barton
Handbook of research in social studies education, 239, 2010
“It wasn't a good part of history”: National identity and students' explanations of historical significance
KC Barton, LS Levstik
Teachers College Record 99 (3), 478-513, 1998
Why don't more history teachers engage students in interpretation?
KC Barton, LS Levstik
Social Education 67 (6), 358-358, 2003
Teaching controversial issues... where controversial issues really matter
K Barton, A McCully
Teaching history, 13, 2007
A sociocultural perspective on children’s understanding of historical change: Comparative findings from Northern Ireland and the United States
KC Barton
Researching History Education, 300-332, 2018
“I just kinda know”: Elementary students' ideas about historical evidence
KC Barton
Theory & Research in Social Education 25 (4), 407-430, 1997
‘They still use some of their past’: historical salience in elementary children's chronological thinking
LS Levstik, KC Barton
Journal of curriculum studies 28 (5), 531-576, 1996
'You'd Be Wanting to Know about the Past': Social contexts of children's historical understanding in Northern Ireland and the USA
KC Barton
Comparative education 37 (1), 89-106, 2001
Researching history education: Theory, method, and context
LS Levstik, KC Barton
Routledge, 2018
Trying to “see things differently”: Northern Ireland students’ struggle to understand alternative historical perspectives
KC Barton, AW McCully
Theory & Research in Social Education 40 (4), 371-408, 2012
Investigación sobre las ideas de los estudiantes acerca de la historia
KC Barton
Enseñanza de las ciencias sociales, 97-113, 2010
“You can form your own point of view”: Internally persuasive discourse in Northern Ireland students’ encounters with history
KC Barton, AW McCully
Teachers College Record 112 (1), 142-181, 2010
Narrative simplifications in elementary students' historical thinking
KC Barton
Advances in research on teaching 6, 51-84, 1996
Agency, choice and historical action: How history teaching can help students think about democratic decision making
KC Barton
Citizenship Teaching & Learning 7 (2), 131-142, 2012
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