Takip et
Isabelle Skakni, PhD
Isabelle Skakni, PhD
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Head of Researcher Career Development
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
What perspectives underlie ‘researcher identity’? A review of two decades of empirical studies
M Castelló, L McAlpine, A Sala-Bubaré, K Inouye, I Skakni
Higher Education 81, 567-590, 2021
Doctoral studies as an initiatory trial: expected and taken-for-granted practices that impede PhD students’ progress
I Skakni
Teaching in Higher Education https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2018.1449742, 2018
Reasons, motives and motivations for completing a PhD: A typology of doctoral studies as a quest
I Skakni
Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 9 (2), 197-212, 2018
Hanging tough: Post-PhD researchers dealing with career uncertainty
I Skakni, MC Calatrava Moreno, MC Seuba, L McAlpine
Higher Education Research & Development 38 (7), 1489-1503, 2019
PhD holders entering non-academic workplaces: organisational culture shock
I Skakni, K Inouye, L McAlpine
Studies in Higher Education, 2021
PhD experience (and progress) is more than work: Life-work relations and reducing exhaustion (and cynicism)
L McAlpine, I Skakni, K Pyhältö
Studies in Higher Education, 2020
Careers beyond the traditional: Integrating individual and structural factors for a richer account
L McAlpine, I Skakni, K Inouye
European Journal of Higher Education, 2021
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early career researcher activity, development, career, and well-being: The state of the art
IA Lokhtina, M Castelló, AA Lambrechts, E Löfström, MK McGinn, I Skakni, ...
Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 13 (3), 245-265, 2022
Socialisation disciplinaire et persévérance aux études doctorales: un modèle d'analyse des sphères critiques
I Skakni
Initio 1 (1), 18-34, 2011
La session d'accueil et d'intégration: un nouveau parcours d'accès à l'enseignement supérieur québécois
F Picard, N Boutin, I Skakni
Éducation et sociétés 26 (2), 29-43, 2010
Post-PhD researchers’ experiences: an emotionally rocky road
I Skakni, L McAlpine
Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 8 (2), 205-219, 2017
Ready for careers within and beyond academia? Assessing career competencies amongst junior researchers
I Skakni, C Maggiori, J Masdonati, J Akkermans
Higher Education Research & Development, 2022
L’expérience doctorale: état des lieux et propositions de structuration
D Berthiaume, M Bosson, V Elston, I Skakni
DevPro–Centre HES-SO de Développement Professionnel, 2020
Désacraliser la carrière universitaire: concilier compétences scientifiques, génériques et «de carrière» pour repenser les identités professionnelles en recherche
I Skakni
TransFormations-Recherches en éducation et formation des adultes, 2016
Examining cross-national research teamwork: revealing rewards and challenges
L McAlpine, I Skakni, A Sala-Burabé, C Weise, K Inouye
Qualitative Research Journal, 2021
Entre attentes et réalité: la construction de l’identité professionnelle des diplômé. es de la formation professionnelle et technique
IZ Lahrizi, J Masdonati, I Skakni, G Fournier
L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 2016
Progresser dans la formation doctorale en sciences de l’humain et du social : individus et structure en tension
I Skakni
Université Laval, 2016
Career competencies amongst early career researchers: A response to contemporary uncertain work contexts?
I Skakni, J Masdonati, C Maggiori
ETH Learning and Teaching Journal 2 (2), 125-130, 2020
Early career researchers making sense of their research experiences: a cross-role and cross-national analysis
A Sala-Burabé, I Skakni, K Inouye, C Weise, L McAlpine
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2020
Les représentations de la carrière professorale des étudiantes et étudiants au doctorat
I Skakni
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