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Katarzyna Widera
Katarzyna Widera
Opole University of Technology
po.edu.pl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Application of the linear programming method in the construction of a mathematical model of optimization distributed energy
M Rabe, Y Bilan, K Widera, L Vasa
Energies 15 (5), 1872, 2022
Assessment of energy storage for energy strategies development on a regional scale
M Rabe, W Droždž, K Widera, A Łopatka, P Lezynski, D Streimikiene, ...
Acta Montanistica Slovaca. 27 (1), 163-177, 2022
Urban environment, green urban areas, and life quality of citizens—the case of warsaw
D Stangierska, I Kowalczuk, K Juszczak-Szelągowska, K Widera, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (17), 10943, 2022
Social preferences of young adults regarding urban forest recreation management in Warsaw, Poland
A Mandziuk, B Fornal-Pieniak, D Stangierska, S Parzych, K Widera
Forests 12 (11), 1524, 2021
The hydrodynamics of translational− rotational motion of incompressible gas flow within the working space of a vortex heat generator
V Nikolsky, R Dychkovskyi, EC Cabana, N Howaniec, B Jura, K Widera, ...
Energies 15 (4), 1431, 2022
A generalized view of longwall emergency stop prevention (Ukraine)
S Vlasov, Y Moldavanov, R Dychkovskyi, E Cabana, N Howaniec, ...
Processes 10 (5), 878, 2022
Demograficzne uwarunkowania i skutki depopulacji w województwie opolskim
J Dybowska, K Widera
Studia Ekonomiczne 223, 106-118, 2015
Determinants of honey consumption with special reference to the influence of nutritional knowledge and health status on consumption habits
I Kowalczuk, D Stangierska, K Widera, B Fornal-Pieniak, P Latocha
Applied Sciences 13 (2), 979, 2023
Green physical activity indicator: health, physical activity and spending time outdoors related to residents preference for greenery
D Stangierska, B Fornal-Pieniak, P Szumigała, K Widera, B Żarska, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (2), 1242, 2023
A Greater Share of Organic Agriculture in Relation to Food Security Resulting from the Energy Demand Obtained from Food—Scenarios for Poland until 2030
A Kuczuk, K Widera
Energies 14 (21), 6959, 2021
Innovation as a factor increasing fruit consumption: the case of Poland
D Stangierska, I Kowalczuk, K Widera, D Olewnicki, P Latocha
Nutrients 14 (6), 1246, 2022
Sustainability assessment of the energy generation systems
W Drożdż, Y Vovk, K Widera, A Łopatka, A Gawlik
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics 8 (2), 249-258, 2023
Impact of weather conditions on the operation of power unit cooling towers 905 MWe
Z Buryn, A Kuczuk, J Pospolita, R Smejda, K Widera
Energies 14 (19), 6412, 2021
Innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw warunkiem rozwoju
MS Katarzyna Widera
Ekonomika i Organizacja Przedsiębiorstwa, 41-48, 2011
Zróżnicowanie regionów pod względem poziomu innowacyjności i przedsiębiorczości
KS Widera K.
Barometr Regionalny; Tom 15, Nr 4/2017 15, 77-83, 2017
Prognoza ludności dla województwa opolskiego do 2050 roku. Wnioski w kontekście prowadzenia polityki regionalnej oraz wsparcia odnowy demograficznej województwa opolskiego
R Rauziński, K Szczygielski, D Berlińska, J Dybowska, B Solga, K Widera
PIN-Instytut Śląski w Opolu, Opole, 2015
The relationship between unemployment and enterpreneurship, a case of opolskie voivodship
M Szewczyk, K Widera, R Parvi
ARSA, 2013
Escaping brain waste. Work experience and qualifications of highly skilled Ukrainians in Poland
S Kubiciel-Lodzińska, J Maj, K Widera, P Bębenek, B Ruszczak, ...
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie/Politechnika Śląska, 2023
Costs and benefits resulting from employing foreigners as perceived from the labour market segments perspective (based on the data from Opolskie Voivodeship in Poland)
S Kubiciel-Lodzińska, J Maj, K Widera
Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny 46 (1 (175), 7-28, 2020
The willingness to employ immigrants in polish organizations
J Maj, S Kubiciel-Lodzińska, K Widera
Journal of Intercultural Management 12 (2), 106-133, 2020
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