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Abel W. Lin
Abel W. Lin
ncmir.ucsd.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A structural change in the kinesin motor protein that drives motility
S Rice, AW Lin, D Safer, CL Hart, N Naber, BO Carragher, SM Cain, ...
Nature 402 (6763), 778-784, 1999
Myosin VI is an actin-based motor that moves backwards
AL Wells, AW Lin, LQ Chen, D Safer, SM Cain, T Hasson, BO Carragher, ...
Nature 401 (6752), 505-508, 1999
Community cyberinfrastructure for advanced microbial ecology research and analysis: the CAMERA resource
S Sun, J Chen, W Li, I Altintas, A Lin, S Peltier, K Stocks, EE Allen, ...
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_1), D546-D551, 2010
Myo1c is designed for the adaptation response in the inner ear
C Batters, CP Arthur, A Lin, J Porter, MA Geeves, RA Milligan, JE Molloy, ...
The EMBO journal 23 (7), 1433-1440, 2004
The telescience portal for advanced tomography applications
ST Peltier, AW Lin, D Lee, S Mock, S Lamont, T Molina, M Wong, L Dai, ...
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 63 (5), 539-550, 2003
The NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Data Resource Portal: placing advanced technologies in service to vulnerable communities
K Pezzoli, R Tukey, H Sarabia, I Zaslavsky, ML Miranda, WA Suk, A Lin, ...
Environmental health perspectives 115 (4), 564-571, 2007
Enabling parallel scientific applications with workflow tools
A Lathers, MH Su, A Kulungowski, AW Lin, G Mehta, ST Peltier, ...
2006 IEEE Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments, 55-60, 2006
Real-time multi-scale brain data acquisition, assembly, and analysis using an end-to-end OptIPuter
R Singh, N Schwarz, N Taesombut, D Lee, B Jeong, L Renambot, AW Lin, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (8), 1032-1039, 2006
Camera 2.0: A data-centric metagenomics community infrastructure driven by scientific workflows
I Altintas, AW Lin, J Chen, C Churas, M Gujral, S Sun, W Li, R Manansala, ...
2010 6th World Congress on Services, 352-359, 2010
A generalized service-oriented architecture for remote control of scientific imaging instruments
TE Molina, G Yang, AW Lin, ST Peltier, MH Ellisman
First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science'05 …, 2005
The telescience project: Application to middleware interaction components
AW Lin, L Dai, K Ung, ST Peltier, MH Ellisman
18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'05), 543-548, 2005
Global telescience featuring IPv6 at iGrid2002
D Lee, AW Lin, T Hutton, T Akiyama, S Shinji, FP Lin, S Peltier, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 19 (6), 1031-1039, 2003
Geon/telescience security infrastructure
K Bhatia, A Lin, B Link, K Mueller, S Chandra
San Diego Supercomputer Center, Technical Report TR-2004-5, 2004
Case studies on the use of workflow technologies for scientific analysis: The biomedical informatics research network and the telescience project
AW Lin, ST Peltier, JS Grethe, MH Ellisman
Workflows for e-science: Scientific workflows for Grids, 109-125, 2007
The telescience tools: version 2.0
AW Lin, L Dai, K Ung, J Mock, ST Peltier, MH Ellisman
First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science'05 …, 2005
Extending the data model for data-centric metagenomics analysis using scientific workflows in camera
I Altintas, J Chen, M Sedova, A Gupta, S Sun, AW Lin, M Gujral, ...
2010 Sixth IEEE International Conference on e-Science Workshops, 49-56, 2010
Scientific grid activities and PKI deployment in the Cybermedia Center, Osaka University
T Akiyama, Y Teranishi, K Nozaki, S Kato, S Shimojo, ST Peltier, A Lin, ...
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 19, 279-294, 2005
Engineering an end-to-end GSI-based security infrastructure
K Bhatia, S Chandra, K Mueller, V Veytser, C Youn, A Lin
San Diego Supercomputer Center, Tech Report, 2005
The telescience project: Transparent grid access for scientific communities
AW Lin, L Dai, K Ung, ST Peltier, MH Ellisman
Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience …, 0
Integrating GIS and portal technologies for assessing environmental health impacts of Hurricane Katrina
I Zaslavsky, K Pezzoli, D Valentine, A Lin, H Sarabia, MH Ellisman
Proceedings from the Second International Conference on Environmental …, 2006
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