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Jose Miguel Reynolds Barredo
Jose Miguel Reynolds Barredo
fis.uc3m.es üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Confinement transitions in TJ-II under Li-coated wall conditions
J Sánchez, M Acedo, A Alonso, J Alonso, P Alvarez, E Ascasíbar, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (10), 104018, 2009
Obtaining statistics of cascading line outages spreading in an electric transmission network from standard utility data
I Dobson, BA Carreras, DE Newman, JM Reynolds-Barredo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (6), 4831-4841, 2016
Event-based parareal: A data-flow based implementation of parareal
LA Berry, W Elwasif, JM Reynolds-Barredo, D Samaddar, R Sanchez, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (17), 5945-5954, 2012
Mechanisms for the convergence of time-parallelized, parareal turbulent plasma simulations
JM Reynolds-Barredo, DE Newman, R Sánchez, D Samaddar, LA Berry, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (23), 7851-7867, 2012
Overview of TJ-II experiments
J Sanchez, M Acedo, D Alegre, A Alonso, J Alonso, P Álvarez, J Arévalo, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (9), 094022, 2011
Validating the OPA cascading blackout model on a 19402 bus transmission network with both mesh and tree structures
B Carreras, JM Reynolds Barredo, I Dobson, DE Newman
Ion orbits and ion confinement studies on ECRH plasmas in TJ-II stellarator
F Castejón, JM Reynolds, JM Fontdecaba, R Balbín, J Guasp, ...
Fusion Science and Technology 50 (3), 412-418, 2006
The interactive european grid: Project objectives and achievements
J Marco, I Campos
Computing and Informatics 27 (2), 161-171, 2008
Extension of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code to free-plasma-boundary problems
H Peraza-Rodriguez, JM Reynolds-Barredo, R Sanchez, J Geiger, ...
Physics of Plasmas 24 (8), 2017
Exploring cascading outages and weather via processing historic data
I Dobson, NLK Carrington, K Zhou, Z Wang, BA Carreras, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.09079, 2017
An analytic model for the convergence of turbulent simulations time-parallelized via the parareal algorithm
JM Reynolds-Barredo, DE Newman, R Sanchez
Journal of Computational Physics 255, 293-315, 2013
The interplay of network structure and dispatch solutions in power grid cascading failures
JM Reynolds-Barredo, DE Newman, BA Carreras, I Dobson
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (11), 2016
Assessing blackout risk with high penetration of variable renewable energies
BA Carreras, P Colet, JM Reynolds-Barredo, D Gomila
IEEE Access 9, 132663-132674, 2021
Density dependence of particle transport in ECH plasmas of the TJ-II stellarator
VI Vargas, D López-Bruna, J Guasp, J Herranz, T Estrada, F Medina, ...
Impact of 3D features on ion collisional transport in ITER
A Bustos, F Castejón, LA Fernández, J García, V Martin-Mayor, ...
Nuclear fusion 50 (12), 125007, 2010
Analysis of the blackout risk reduction when segmenting large power systems using lines with controllable power flow
D Gomila, BA Carreras, JM Reynolds-Barredo, P Colet, O Gomis-Bellmunt
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 148, 108947, 2023
A positioning algorithm for SPH ghost particles in smoothly curved geometries
LV Vela, JM Reynolds-Barredo, R Sánchez
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 353, 140-153, 2019
Manejo integrado de aguas subterráneas
J Reynolds
EUNED, San José, 2002
The potential impact of climate change on the efficiency and reliability of solar, hydro, and wind energy sources
US Bhatt, BA Carreras, JMR Barredo, DE Newman, P Collet, D Gomila
Land 11 (8), 1275, 2022
Effects of demand control on the complex dynamics of electric power system blackouts
BA Carreras, EB Tchawou Tchuisseu, JM Reynolds-Barredo, D Gomila, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (11), 2020
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