Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation HR Markus, S Kitayama Psychological Review 98 (2), 224-253, 1991 | 35019* | 1991 |
Possible selves. H Markus, P Nurius American psychologist 41 (9), 954, 1986 | 13471 | 1986 |
Self-schemata and processing information about the self. H Markus Journal of personality and social psychology 35 (2), 63, 1977 | 8018 | 1977 |
The dynamic self-concept: A social psychological perspective. H Markus, E Wurf Annual review of psychology, 1987 | 6328 | 1987 |
Is there a universal need for positive self-regard? SJ Heine, DR Lehman, HR Markus, S Kitayama Psychological review 106 (4), 766, 1999 | 3718 | 1999 |
Individual and collective processes in the construction of the self: self-enhancement in the United States and self-criticism in Japan. S Kitayama, HR Markus, H Matsumoto, V Norasakkunkit Journal of personality and social psychology 72 (6), 1245, 1997 | 2423 | 1997 |
Cultures and selves: A cycle of mutual constitution HR Markus, S Kitayama Perspectives on psychological science 5 (4), 420-430, 2010 | 2263 | 2010 |
The cognitive perspective in social psychology H Markus, RB Zajonc Handbook of social psychology 1 (1), 137-230, 1985 | 2227 | 1985 |
The cultural matrix of social psychology. AP Fiske, S Kitayama, HR Markus, RE Nisbett McGraw-Hill, 1998 | 2212 | 1998 |
Unseen disadvantage: how American universities' focus on independence undermines the academic performance of first-generation college students. NM Stephens, SA Fryberg, HR Markus, CS Johnson, R Covarrubias Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (6), 1178, 2012 | 2167 | 2012 |
Affective and cognitive factors in preferences RB Zajonc, H Markus Journal of consumer research 9 (2), 123-131, 1982 | 2033 | 1982 |
Stability and malleability of the self-concept. H Markus, Z Kunda Journal of personality and social psychology 51 (4), 858, 1986 | 2015 | 1986 |
Deviance or uniqueness, harmony or conformity? A cultural analysis. H Kim, HR Markus Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (4), 785, 1999 | 1836 | 1999 |
Culture, emotion, and well-being: Good feelings in Japan and the United States S Kitayama, HR Markus, M Kurokawa Cognition & Emotion 14 (1), 93-124, 2000 | 1698 | 2000 |
Possible selves across the life span S Cross, H Markus Human development 34 (4), 230-255, 1991 | 1341 | 1991 |
Possible selves and delinquency. D Oyserman, HR Markus Journal of personality and social psychology 59 (1), 112, 1990 | 1323 | 1990 |
Gender and self-esteem. RA Josephs, HR Markus, RW Tafarodi Journal of personality and social psychology 63 (3), 391, 1992 | 1165 | 1992 |
Possible selves: Personalized representations of goals. H Markus, A Ruvolo Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 1989 | 1147 | 1989 |
Posibles yo H Markus, P Nurius Psicólogo estadounidense 41 (9), 954-969, 1986 | 1135 | 1986 |
A collective fear of the collective: Implications for selves and theories of selves HR Markus, S Kitayama Personality and social psychology bulletin 20 (5), 568-579, 1994 | 1111 | 1994 |