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Johan Fredriksson
Johan Fredriksson
maths.lth.se üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Simultaneous multiple rotation averaging using lagrangian duality
J Fredriksson, C Olsson
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 245-258, 2012
Outlier Rejection for Absolute Pose Estimation with Known Orientation.
V Larsson, J Fredriksson, C Toft, F Kahl
BMVC, 2016
Practical robust two-view translation estimation
J Fredriksson, V Larsson, C Olsson
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
Optimal relative pose with unknown correspondences
J Fredriksson, V Larsson, C Olsson, F Kahl
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Good Features for Reliable Registration in Multi-Atlas Segmentation.
F Kahl, J Alvén, O Enqvist, F Fejne, J Ulén, J Fredriksson, M Landgren, ...
VISCERAL Challenge@ ISBI, 12-17, 2015
Fast and reliable two-view translation estimation
J Fredriksson, O Enqvist, F Kahl
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014
Efficient algorithms for robust estimation of relative translation
J Fredriksson, V Larsson, C Olsson, O Enqvist, F Kahl
Image and Vision Computing 52, 114-124, 2016
Attendance Numbers at SI Sessions and Their Effect on Learning Conditions.
J Fredriksson, J Malm, A Holmer, L Ouattara
Journal of Peer Learning 13 (3), 21-35, 2020
Multiatlas segmentation using robust feature-based registration
F Fejne, M Landgren, J Alvén, J Ulén, J Fredriksson, V Larsson, O Enqvist, ...
Cloud-based benchmarking of medical image analysis, 203-218, 2017
Robust rotation and translation estimation in structure from motion
J Fredriksson
Utvärdering av SI-verksamheten vid Lunds universitet 2016/17
J Malm, A Holmer, L Bryngfors, LL Mörner, A Augustinsson, ...
Lunds universitet, Media-Tryck, 2017
Supplemental Instruction and timely graduation-A case study at an engineering education faculty
J Malm, L Bryngfors, J Fredriksson
9th International Conference on Supplemental Instruction, 2016
Digital Tools in Supplemental Instruction (SI)
J Malm, J Fredriksson
Supplemental Instruction: Volume 1: Digital Technologies, 19-28, 2021
Academic Support using Peer Assisted Study Schemes (SI-PASS) to help new students with the transition to Higher Education. A European overview.
J Malm, J Fredriksson
European First Year Experience Conference, 2019
Attendance numbers at SI/PASS sessions–how do they affect learning conditions?
J Fredriksson, A Holmer, J Malm
10th International Conference on Supplemental Instruction, 2018
Can Learning Organization Qualities be Trained in the School System? A Case Study at Apelgårdsskolan in Rosengård
E Lindberg, J Fredriksson
Tighter relaxations for higher-order models based on generalized roof duality
J Fredriksson, C Olsson, P Strandmark, F Kahl
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations: Florence, Italy …, 2012
Sequential Vs. Non-sequential Structure from Motion
R Eriksson, J Fredriksson
Lund University, 2011
Framtidens ingenjör–ett innovativt sätt att välkomna studenter på
J Fredriksson, L Karlsson, BA Söderström, F Norlin, K Cherfils-Karlsson, ...
Proceedings fran 5: e Utvecklingskonferensen f or Sveriges ingenj …, 0
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