Takip et
Lucia Piscitello
Lucia Piscitello
Politecnico di Milano & Henley Business School, Reading UK
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Family firms in the global economy: Toward a deeper understanding of internationalization determinants, processes, and outcomes
A De Massis, F Frattini, A Majocchi, L Piscitello
Global Strategy Journal 8 (1), 3-21, 2018
Digital technologies, innovation, and skills: Emerging trajectories and challenges
T Ciarli, M Kenney, S Massini, L Piscitello
Research Policy 50 (7), 104289, 2021
Internationalization in the information age: A new era for places, firms, and international business networks?
J Alcácer, J Cantwell, L Piscitello
Journal of international business studies 47, 499-512, 2016
Information costs and location of FDIs within the host country: empirical evidence from Italy
S Mariotti, L Piscitello
Journal of International Business Studies 26, 815-841, 1995
Accumulating technological competence: its changing impact on corporate diversification and internationalization
J Cantwell, L Piscitello
Industrial and corporate change 9 (1), 21-51, 2000
Recent location of foreign-owned research and development activities by large multinational corporations in the European regions: The role of spillovers and externalities
J Cantwell, L Piscitello
Regional Studies 39 (1), 1-16, 2005
The location of technological activities of MNCs in European regions: The role of spillovers and local competencies
J Cantwell, L Piscitello
Journal of International management 8 (1), 69-96, 2002
Reverse knowledge transfer in MNEs: subsidiary innovativeness and entry modes
R Mudambi, L Piscitello, L Rabbiosi
Long Range Planning 47 (1-2), 49-63, 2014
The entry mode choice of MNEs: an evolutionary approach
M Mutinelli, L Piscitello
Research policy 27 (5), 491-506, 1998
Family involvement and firms’ establishment mode choice in foreign markets
A Boellis, S Mariotti, A Minichilli, L Piscitello
Journal of International Business Studies 47, 929-950, 2016
Corporate diversification, coherence and economic performance
L Piscitello
Industrial and corporate change 13 (5), 757-787, 2004
Spatial agglomeration of multinational enterprises: the role of information externalities and knowledge spillovers
S Mariotti, L Piscitello, S Elia
Journal of Economic Geography 10 (4), 519-538, 2010
The emergence of corporate international networks for the accumulation of dispersed technological competences
J Cantwell, L Piscitello
MIR: Management International Review, 123-147, 1999
Home country employment and foreign direct investment: evidence from the Italian case
S Mariotti, M Mutinelli, L Piscitello
Cambridge Journal of Economics 27 (3), 419-431, 2003
The impact of cultural diversity on innovation performance of MNC subsidiaries in strategic alliances
S Elia, AM Petruzzelli, L Piscitello
Journal of Business Research 98, 204-213, 2019
The impact of outward investments on parent company's employment and skill composition: Evidence from the Italian case
D Castellani, I Mariotti, L Piscitello
Structural change and economic dynamics 19 (1), 81-94, 2008
Entry and access to competencies abroad: Emerging market firms versus advanced market firms
F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello
Journal of International Management 20 (2), 137-152, 2014
The impact of outward FDI on the home country's labour demand and skill composition
S Elia, I Mariotti, L Piscitello
International Business Review 18 (4), 357-372, 2009
The reshoring of business services: reaction to failure or persistent strategy?
F Albertoni, S Elia, S Massini, L Piscitello
Journal of World Business 52 (3), 417-430, 2017
The impact of public support on SMEs' outward FDI: Evidence from Italy
M Bannò, L Piscitello, C Amorim Varum
Journal of Small Business Management 52 (1), 22-38, 2014
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