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John C. Grundy
John C. Grundy
Australian Laureate Fellow and Professor of Software Engineering, Faculty of IT, Monash University
monash.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
An analysis of the cloud computing security problem
M Abdelrazek, JC Grundy, I Müller
2010 Asia Pacific Cloud Workshop, Colocated with Asia Pacific Software …, 2010
Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
X Hou, Y Zhao, Y Liu, Z Yang, K Wang, L Li, X Luo, D Lo, J Grundy, ...
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 33 (8), 2024
Empirical studies of pair programming for CS/SE teaching in higher education: A systematic literature review
N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 37 (4), 509-525, 2011
Optimal Edge User Allocation in Edge Computing with Variable Sized Vector Bin Packing
P Lai, Q He, M Abdelrazek, F Chen, JG Hosking, JC Grundy, Y Yang
16th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC2018 …, 2018
The Rise and Evolution of Agile Software Development
R Hoda, N Salleh, JC Grundy
IEEE Software: 50th Anniversary Issue 35 (5), 58-63, 2018
Automatic feature learning for predicting vulnerable software components
HK Dam, T Tran, T Pham, SW Ng, JC Grundy, A Ghose
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (1), 67-85, 2021
Systematic literature reviews in agile software development:a tertiary study
R Hoda, N Salleh, JC Grundy, Tee, H.M.
Information and Software Technology 85, 60-70, 2017
Collaboration-Based Cloud Computing Security Management Framework
M Abdelrazek, J Grundy, AS Ibrahim
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), 364-371, 2011
Lessons learned from using a deep tree-based model for software defect prediction in practice
HK Dam, T Pham, SW Ng, T Tran, JC Grundy, A Ghose, T Kim, CJ Kim
2019 International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Montreal …, 2019
A Survey on Deep Learning for Software Engineering
Y Yang, X Xia, D Lo, JC Grundy
ACM Computing Surveys 54 (10s), 1-73, 2022
Inconsistency management for multiple-view software development environments
J Grundy, J Hosking, WB Mugridge
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 24 (11), 960-981, 1998
Online Collaborative Data Caching in Edge Computing
X Xia, F Chen, Q He, JC Grundy, M Abdelrazek, Jin, H.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (2), 281-294, 2020
Aspect-oriented requirements engineering for component-based software systems
J Grundy
1999 IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'99)., 84-91, 1999
A Systematic Mapping Study of Mobile Application Testing Techniques
S Zain, N Salleh, JC Grundy
Journal of Systems and Software 117, 334-356, 2016
Defining Smart Contract Defects on Ethereum
J Chen, X Xia, D Lo, JC Grundy, X Luo, Chen, T.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 48 (1), 327 - 345, 2022
Design pattern modelling and instantiation using DPML
D Mapelsden, J Hosking, J Grundy
Swinburne, 2002
A generic approach to supporting diagram differencing and merging for collaborative design
A Mehra, J Grundy, J Hosking
20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering …, 2005
Dimensions and metrics for evaluating recommendation systems
I Avazpour, T Pitakrat, L Grunske, JC Grundy
Recommendation systems in software engineering, 245-273, 2014
Cost-Effective App Data Distribution in Edge Computing
X Xia, F Chen, Q He, JC Grundy, M Abdelrazek, H Jin
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (1), 31-44, 2020
A 3D metaphor for software production visualization
T Panas, R Berrigan, J Grundy
7th IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization (IV 2003 …, 2003
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