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Luisa Amo de Paz
Luisa Amo de Paz
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC
mncn.csic.es üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Predator odour recognition and avoidance in a songbird
L Amo, I Galván, G Tomás, JJ Sanz
Functional Ecology 22 (2), 289-293, 2008
Sources of individual shy–bold variations in antipredator behaviour of male Iberian rock lizards
P López, D Hawlena, V Polo, L Amo, J Martín
Animal Behaviour 69 (1), 1-9, 2005
Nature-based tourism as a form of predation risk affects body condition and health state of Podarcis muralis lizards
L Amo, P López
Biological Conservation 131 (3), 402-409, 2006
Birds exploit herbivore‐induced plant volatiles to locate herbivorous prey
L Amo, JJ Jansen, NM van Dam, M Dicke, ME Visser
Ecology letters 16 (11), 1348-1355, 2013
Reliable Signaling By Chemical Cues Of Male Traits And Health State In Male Lizards, Lacerta monticola
P López, L Amo, J Martín
Journal of Chemical Ecology 32, 473-488, 2006
Sex recognition by odour and variation in the uropygial gland secretion in starlings
L Amo, JM Avilés, D Parejo, A Peña, J Rodríguez, G Tomás
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (3), 605-613, 2012
Wall lizards combine chemical and visual cues of ambush snake predators to avoid overestimating risk inside refuges
L Amo, P López, J Martı́n
Animal Behaviour 67 (4), 647-653, 2004
Habitat deterioration affects body condition of lizards: A behavioral approach with Iberolacerta cyreni lizards inhabiting ski resorts
L Amo, P Lopez, J Martin
Biological conservation 135 (1), 77-85, 2007
Prevalence and intensity of haemogregarine blood parasites and their mite vectors in the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis
L Amo, P López, J Martín
Parasitology Research 96, 378-381, 2005
Smelling out predators is innate in birds
L Amo, ME Visser, K van Oers
Ardea 99 (2), 177-184, 2011
Covariation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays: biosynthetic constraints and eco‐evolutionary implications
RR Junker, J Kuppler, L Amo, JD Blande, RM Borges, NM van Dam, ...
New Phytologist 220 (3), 739-749, 2018
Parasites and health affect multiple sexual signals in male common wall lizards, Podarcis muralis
J Martín, L Amo, P López
Naturwissenschaften 95, 293-300, 2008
Chemical ornaments of male lizards may reveal their parasite load and health state to females
J Martín, E Civantos, L Amo, P López
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62 (2), 173-179, 2007
Prevalence and intensity of haemogregarinid blood parasites in a population of the Iberian rock lizard, Lacerta monticola
L Amo, P López, J Martín
Parasitology research 94, 290-293, 2004
Refuge use: a conflict between avoiding predation and losing mass in lizards
L Amo, P López, J Martín
Physiology & Behavior 90 (2-3), 334-343, 2007
Prevalence and intensity of blood and intestinal parasites in a field population of a Mediterranean lizard, Lacerta lepida
L Amo, JA Fargallo, J Martinez-Padilla, J Millán, P López, J Martín
Parasitology Research 96, 413-417, 2005
Male quality and conspecific scent preferences in the house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus
L Amo, I López-Rull, I Pagán, C Macías Garcia
Animal Behaviour 84, 1483-1489, 2012
Olfaction: An Overlooked Sensory Modality in Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare
P Nielsen, B.L., Jezierski, T., Bolhuis, L., Amo, L., Rosell, F.N ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2 (69), 2015
Can wall lizards combine chemical and visual cues to discriminate predatory from non‐predatory snakes inside refuges?
L Amo, P Lopez, J Martín
Ethology 112 (5), 478-484, 2006
Natural oak forest vs. ancient pine plantations: lizard microhabitat use may explain the effects of ancient reforestations on distribution and conservation of Iberian lizards.
J Amo, L., López, P. & Martín
Biodiversity & conservation in Europe 7, 167-180, 2008
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