Takip et
Stuart Gillan
Stuart Gillan
unt.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Corporate governance proposals and shareholder activism: The role of institutional investors
SL Gillan, LT Starks
Journal of financial Economics 57 (2), 275-305, 2000
Firms and social responsibility: A review of ESG and CSR research in corporate finance
SL Gillan, A Koch, LT Starks
Journal of Corporate Finance 66, 101889, 2021
Corporate governance, corporate ownership, and the role of institutional investors: A global perspective
S Gillan, LT Starks
Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance Working Paper, 2003
11. the evolution of shareholder activism in the united states
SL Gillan, LT Starks
Us corporate governance, 202-240, 2009
Recent developments in corporate governance: An overview
SL Gillan
Journal of corporate finance 12 (3), 381-402, 2006
A survey of shareholder activism: Motivation and empirical evidence
S Gillan, LT Starks
Available at SSRN 663523, 1998
Explaining corporate governance: Boards, bylaws, and charter provisions
S Gillan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
Weinberg center for corporate governance working paper, 2003
Going overboard? On busy directors and firm value
GD Cashman, SL Gillan, C Jun
Journal of banking & finance 36 (12), 3248-3259, 2012
Explicit versus implicit contracts: Evidence from CEO employment agreements
SL Gillan, JC Hartzell, R Parrino
The Journal of Finance 64 (4), 1629-1655, 2009
The impact of the institutional and regulatory environment on shareholder voting
JE Bethel, SL Gillan
Financial Management, 29-54, 2002
Firms’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) choices, performance and managerial motivation
S Gillan, JC Hartzell, A Koch, LT Starks
Unpublished working paper 10, 2010
Boards of directors, audit committees, and the information content of earnings
KL Anderson, S Gillan, D Deli
Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance Working Paper, 2003
On the demand for independent and active audit committees
DN Deli, SL Gillan
Journal of corporate finance 6 (4), 427-445, 2000
Fundamentals of corporate finance
R Parrino, DS Kidwell, T Bates
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Tradeoffs in corporate governance: Evidence from board structures and charter provisions
SL Gillan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
The Quarterly Journal of Finance 1 (04), 667-705, 2011
Value creation and corporate diversification: the case of Sears, Roebuck & Co.
SL Gillan, JW Kensinger, JD Martin
Journal of Financial Economics 55 (1), 103-137, 2000
On enhancing shareholder control: A (Dodd‐) Frank assessment of proxy access
JB Cohn, SL Gillan, JC Hartzell
The Journal of Finance 71 (4), 1623-1668, 2016
On lawsuits, corporate governance, and directors' and officers' liability insurance
SL Gillan, CA Panasian
Journal of Risk and Insurance 82 (4), 793-822, 2015
Industries, investment opportunities, and corporate governance structures
SL Gillan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
Unpublished working paper, 2003
Corporate governance post-Enron: effective reforms, or closing the stable door?
SL Gillan, JD Martin
Journal of Corporate finance 13 (5), 929-958, 2007
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