Takip et
Kamesh Madduri
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Approximating betweenness centrality
DA Bader, S Kintali, K Madduri, M Mihail
Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph: 5th International Workshop, WAW …, 2007
Parallel breadth-first search on distributed memory systems
A Buluç, K Madduri
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2011
Designing multithreaded algorithms for breadth-first search and st-connectivity on the Cray MTA-2
DA Bader, K Madduri
2006 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'06), 523-530, 2006
Parallel algorithms for evaluating centrality indices in real-world networks
DA Bader, K Madduri
2006 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'06), 539-550, 2006
A faster parallel algorithm and efficient multithreaded implementations for evaluating betweenness centrality on massive datasets
K Madduri, D Ediger, K Jiang, DA Bader, D Chavarria-Miranda
2009 IEEE international symposium on parallel & distributed processing, 1-8, 2009
GTgraph: A suite of synthetic graph generators
DA Bader, K Madduri
URL http://www.cse.psu.edu/~madduri/software/GTgraph, 2006
Design and implementation of the HPCS graph analysis benchmark on symmetric multiprocessors
DA Bader, K Madduri
International Conference on High-Performance Computing, 465-476, 2005
Snap, small-world network analysis and partitioning: An open-source parallel graph framework for the exploration of large-scale networks
DA Bader, K Madduri
2008 IEEE international symposium on parallel and distributed processing, 1-12, 2008
BFS and Coloring-based Parallel Algorithms for Strongly Connected Components and Related Problems
GM Slota, S Rajamanickam, K Madduri
IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2014
An experimental study of a parallel shortest path algorithm for solving large-scale graph instances
K Madduri, DA Bader, JW Berry, JR Crobak
2007 Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and …, 2007
A faster algorithm for the single source shortest path problem with few distinct positive lengths
JB Orlin, K Madduri, K Subramani, M Williamson
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 8 (2), 189-198, 2010
Partitioning trillion-edge graphs in minutes
GM Slota, S Rajamanickam, K Devine, K Madduri
2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2017
Designing scalable synthetic compact applications for benchmarking high productivity computing systems
D Bader, K Madduri, J Gilbert, V Shah, J Kepner, T Meuse, ...
Cyberinfrastructure Technology Watch 2 (4B), 41-51, 2006
Stinger: Spatio-temporal interaction networks and graphs (sting) extensible representation
DA Bader, J Berry, A Amos-Binks, D Chavarría-Miranda, C Hastings, ...
Georgia Institute of Technology, Tech. Rep, 2009
PuLP: Scalable multi-objective multi-constraint partitioning for small-world networks
GM Slota, K Madduri, S Rajamanickam
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 481-490, 2014
SWARM: A parallel programming framework for multicore processors
DA Bader, V Kanade, K Madduri
Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications (MTAAP), held in …, 2007
Parallel Shortest Path Algorithms for Solving Large-Scale Instances.
K Madduri, DA Bader, JW Berry, JR Crobak
The Shortest Path Problem, 249-290, 2006
On the design and analysis of irregular algorithms on the cell processor: A case study of list ranking
DA Bader, V Agarwal, K Madduri
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-10, 2007
Parallel k-core decomposition on multicore platforms
H Kabir, K Madduri
2017 IEEE international parallel and distributed processing symposium …, 2017
A graph-theoretic analysis of the human protein-interaction network using multicore parallel algorithms
DA Bader, K Madduri
Parallel Computing 34 (11), 627-639, 2008
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