Askey–Wilson polynomials: an affine Hecke algebra approach M Noumi, JV Stokman
Laredo Lectures on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions, Adv. Theory …, 2004
83 2004 The Askey-Wilson function transform E Koelink, JV Stokman
International Mathematics Research Notices 2001 (22), 1203-1227, 2001
64 2001 Quantized flag manifolds and irreducible*-representations JV Stokman, MS Dijkhuizen
Communications in mathematical physics 203, 297-324, 1999
63 1999 Koornwinder polynomials and affine Hecke algebras JV Stokman
International Mathematics Research Notices 2000 (19), 1005-1042, 2000
60 2000 Fourier transforms on the quantum SU (1, 1) group E Koelink, JV Stokman, M Rahman
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 37 (4), 621-715, 2001
49 * 2001 Reflection equation algebras, coideal subalgebras, and their centres S Kolb, JV Stokman
Selecta Mathematica 15 (4), 621-664, 2009
47 2009 Properties of generalized univariate hypergeometric functions FJ van de Bult, EM Rains, JV Stokman
Communications in mathematical physics 275, 37-95, 2007
44 2007 Multivariable -Racah polynomials JF van Diejen, JV Stokman
44 1998 Limit transitions for BC type multivariable orthogonal polynomials JV Stokman, TH Koornwinder
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 49 (2), 374-405, 1997
39 1997 Difference Fourier transforms for nonreduced root systems JV Stokman
Selecta Mathematica 9, 409-494, 2003
36 2003 The Askey-Wilson function transform scheme E Koelink, JV Stokman
Special functions 2000: current perspective and future directions, 221-241, 2001
34 2001 Hyperbolic beta integrals JV Stokman
Advances in Mathematics 190 (1), 119-160, 2005
33 2005 The quantum orbit method for generalized flag manifolds JV Stokman
arXiv preprint math/0206245, 2002
33 2002 Periodic integrable systems with delta-potentials E Emsiz, EM Opdam, JV Stokman
Communications in mathematical physics 264, 191-225, 2006
31 2006 On 𝐵𝐶 type basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials J Stokman
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 352 (4), 1527-1579, 2000
30 2000 Double affine Hecke algebras and bispectral quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equations M van Meer, J Stokman
International Mathematics Research Notices 2010 (6), 969-1040, 2010
28 2010 The Big q -Jacobi Function Transform Koelink, Stokman
Constructive approximation 19, 191-235, 2003
28 2003 Multivariable big and little q-Jacobi polynomials JV Stokman
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 28 (2), 452-480, 1997
27 1997 N -point spherical functions and asymptotic boundary KZB equationsJV Stokman, N Reshetikhin
Inventiones mathematicae 229 (1), 1-86, 2022
26 2022 Some limit transitions between BC type orthogonal polynomials interpreted on quantum complex Grassmannians MS Dijkhuizen, JV Stokman
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 35 (3), 451-500, 1999
24 1999