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Jason A. Cantone
Jason A. Cantone
Federal Government
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Encyclopedia of deception
TR Levine
Sage Publications, 2014
Sounding guilty: How accent bias affects juror judgments of culpability
JA Cantone, LN Martinez, C Willis-Esqueda, T Miller
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 17 (3), 228-253, 2019
Consumer credit card use: The roles of creditor disclosure and anticipated emotion.
RL Wiener, M Holtje, RJ Winter, JA Cantone, K Gross, S Block-Lieb
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 13 (1), 32, 2007
Religion at work: Evaluating hostile work environment religious discrimination claims
JA Cantone, RL Wiener
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 23 (3), 351-356, 2017
Is legal scholarship out of touch? An empirical analysis of the use of scholarship in business law cases
MM Harner, JA Cantone
U. Miami Bus. L. Rev. 19, 1, 2011
Do you hear what I hear: Empirical research on earwitness testimony
JA Cantone
Tex. Wesleyan L. Rev. 17, 123, 2010
Rational enough to punish, but too irrational to release: The integrity of sex offender civil commitment
JA Cantone
DrAke l. reV. 57, 693, 2008
Psychology and BAPCPA: Enhanced disclosure and emotion
RL Wiener, M Holtje, RJ Winter, JA Cantone
Mo. L. REv. 71, 1003, 2006
An empirical evaluation of proposed civil rules for multidistrict litigation
MS Williams, JA Cantone
Ga. L. Rev. 55, 221, 2020
Counterfactual Thinking, Causation, and Covariation in Mock Juror Assessments of Negligence: Twenty‐Five Years Later
JA Cantone
Psychological Reports 123 (2), 371-394, 2020
Judicial involvement in plea-bargaining.
KS Henderson, EN Fountain, AD Redlich, JA Cantone
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 28 (3), 356, 2022
Certified Questions of State Law: An Empirical Examination of Use in Three US Courts of Appeals
JA Cantone, C Giffin
U. Tol. L. Rev. 53, 1, 2021
Whither Notice Pleading: Pleading Practice in the Days before Twombly
JA Cantone, JS Cecil, D Jani
S. Ill. ULJ 39, 23, 2014
A Debtor World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Debt
R Brubaker, RM Lawless, CJ Tabb
Oxford University Press, 2012
The limits of enhanced disclosure in bankruptcy law: Anticipated and experienced emotion
RL Wiener, JA Cantone, M Holtje, S Block-Lieb
A Debtor World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Debt, 181, 2012
Disclosure as an imperfect means for addressing overindebtedness: An empirical assessment of comparative approaches
S Block-Lieb, RL Wiener
Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper, 2008
Assistance to pro se litigants in US district courts: A report on surveys of clerks of court and chief judges
D Stienstra, J Bataillon, JA Cantone
Federal Judicial Center, 2011
Gender and securities law in the Supreme Court
L Johnson, M Harner, JA Cantone
Women's Rts. L. Rep. 33, 1, 2011
Self-referencing affects perceptions of workplace discrimination against atheists.
JA Cantone, V Walls, T Rutter
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 14 (3), 381, 2022
Early career professionals in law and psychology: The state of training and areas of needed support
JA Cantone, TD Clomax, J Woolard, K Kemp
Technical report for the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the …, 2019
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