Takip et
Toshiyuki Takai
Toshiyuki Takai
Japan International Reserach Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
affrc.go.jp üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Control of root system architecture by DEEPER ROOTING 1 increases rice yield under drought conditions
Y Uga, K Sugimoto, S Ogawa, J Rane, M Ishitani, N Hara, Y Kitomi, ...
Nature genetics 45 (9), 1097-1102, 2013
Rice yield potential is closely related to crop growth rate during late reproductive period
T Takai, S Matsuura, T Nishio, A Ohsumi, T Shiraiwa, T Horie
Field Crops Research 96 (2-3), 328-335, 2006
A natural variant of NAL1, selected in high-yield rice breeding programs, pleiotropically increases photosynthesis rate
T Takai, S Adachi, F Taguchi-Shiobara, Y Sanoh-Arai, N Iwasawa, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2149, 2013
A genetic resource for early-morning flowering trait of wild rice Oryza officinalis to mitigate high temperature-induced spikelet sterility at anthesis
T Ishimaru, H Hirabayashi, M Ida, T Takai, YA San-Oh, S Yoshinaga, ...
Annals of botany 106 (3), 515-520, 2010
Deep rooting conferred by DEEPER ROOTING 1 enhances rice yield in paddy fields
Y Arai-Sanoh, T Takai, S Yoshinaga, H Nakano, M Kojima, H Sakakibara, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 5563, 2014
Time-related mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling grain-filling in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
T Takai, Y Fukuta, T Shiraiwa, T Horie
Journal of experimental botany 56 (418), 2107-2118, 2005
Varietal differences in sink production and grain-filling ability in recently developed high-yielding rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in Japan
S Yoshinaga, T Takai, Y Arai-Sanoh, T Ishimaru, M Kondo
Field Crops Research 150, 74-82, 2013
A quantitative trait locus for chlorophyll content and its association with leaf photosynthesis in rice
T Takai, M Kondo, M Yano, T Yamamoto
Rice 3, 172-180, 2010
The mesophyll anatomy enhancing CO2 diffusion is a key trait for improving rice photosynthesis
S Adachi, T Nakae, M Uchida, K Soda, T Takai, T Oi, T Yamamoto, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (4), 1061-1072, 2013
Development of chromosome segment substitution lines derived from backcross between indica donor rice cultivar ‘Nona Bokra’and japonica recipient cultivar ‘Koshihikari’
T Takai, Y Nonoue, S Yamamoto, U Yamanouchi, K Matsubara, ZW Liang, ...
Breeding Science 57 (3), 257-261, 2007
Evaluation of yield performance in rice near-isogenic lines with increased spikelet number
A Ohsumi, T Takai, M Ida, T Yamamoto, Y Arai-Sanoh, M Yano, T Ando, ...
Field Crops Research 120 (1), 68-75, 2011
Canopy temperature on clear and cloudy days can be used to estimate varietal differences in stomatal conductance in rice
T Takai, M Yano, T Yamamoto
Field Crops Research 115 (2), 165-170, 2010
Genotypic difference in canopy diffusive conductance measured by a new remote‐sensing method and its association with the difference in rice yield potential
T Horie, S Matsuura, T Takai, K Kuwasaki, A Ohsumi, T Shiraiwa
Plant, Cell & Environment 29 (4), 653-660, 2006
Genetic mechanisms underlying yield potential in the rice high-yielding cultivar Takanari, based on reciprocal chromosome segment substitution lines
T Takai, T Ikka, K Kondo, Y Nonoue, N Ono, Y Arai-Sanoh, S Yoshinaga, ...
BMC plant biology 14, 1-11, 2014
Precise estimation of genomic regions controlling lodging resistance using a set of reciprocal chromosome segment substitution lines in rice
T Ookawa, R Aoba, T Yamamoto, T Ueda, T Takai, S Fukuoka, T Ando, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 30572, 2016
Development of introgression lines of an Indica-type rice variety, IR64, for unique agronomic traits and detection of the responsible chromosomal regions
D Fujita, RE Santos, LA Ebron, MJ Telebanco-Yanoria, H Kato, ...
Field Crops Research 114 (2), 244-254, 2009
Genetic architecture of leaf photosynthesis in rice revealed by different types of reciprocal mapping populations
S Adachi, T Yamamoto, T Nakae, M Yamashita, M Uchida, R Karimata, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 70 (19), 5131-5144, 2019
Detection of a quantitative trait locus controlling carbon isotope discrimination and its contribution to stomatal conductance in japonica rice
T Takai, A Ohsumi, Y San-Oh, MRC Laza, M Kondo, T Yamamoto, M Yano
Theoretical and applied genetics 118, 1401-1410, 2009
Genetic architecture of variation in heading date among Asian rice accessions
K Hori, Y Nonoue, N Ono, T Shibaya, K Ebana, K Matsubara, ...
BMC plant biology 15, 1-16, 2015
Genotypic variations in non-structural carbohydrate and cell-wall components of the stem in rice, sorghum, and sugar vane
Y Arai-Sanoh, M Ida, R Zhao, S Yoshinaga, T Takai, T Ishimaru, H Maeda, ...
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 75 (6), 1104-1112, 2011
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