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Lorn Sheehan
Lorn Sheehan
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Alıntı yapanlar
Determinants of tourism success for DMOs & destinations: An empirical examination of stakeholders' perspectives
T Bornhorst, JRB Ritchie, L Sheehan
Tourism management 31 (5), 572-589, 2010
Destination stakeholders exploring identity and salience
LR Sheehan, JRB Ritchie
Annals of tourism research 32 (3), 711-734, 2005
Entrepreneurship and innovation at the base of the pyramid: a recipe for inclusive growth or social exclusion?
J Hall, S Matos, L Sheehan, B Silvestre
Journal of management studies 49 (4), 785-812, 2012
Towards a model of the roles and activities of destination management organizations
A Presenza, L Sheehan, JRB Ritchie
Journal of hospitality, tourism and leisure science 3 (1), 1-16, 2005
The destination promotion triad: Understanding asymmetric stakeholder interdependencies among the city, hotels, and DMO
L Sheehan, JRB Ritchie, S Hudson
Journal of travel research 46 (1), 64-74, 2007
Roles, issues, and strategies for convention and visitors' bureaux in destination planning and product development: a survey of Canadian bureaux
D Getz, D Anderson, L Sheehan
Tourism management 19 (4), 331-340, 1998
Residents’ engagement and local tourism governance in maturing beach destinations. Evidence from an Italian case study
A Presenza, G Del Chiappa, L Sheehan
Journal of destination marketing & management 2 (1), 22-30, 2013
The use of intelligence in tourism destination management: An emerging role for DMOs
L Sheehan, A Vargas‐Sánchez, A Presenza, T Abbate
International Journal of Tourism Research 18 (6), 549-557, 2016
The demand for Mi’kmaw cultural tourism: Tourist perspectives
MF Lynch, PN Duinker, LR Sheehan, JE Chute
Tourism Management 32 (5), 977-986, 2011
Hey Alexa! A magic spell of social glue?: Sharing a smart voice assistant speaker and its impact on users’ perception of group harmony
K Lee, KY Lee, L Sheehan
Information Systems Frontiers 22 (3), 563-583, 2020
The continuation and recommendation intention of artificial intelligence-based voice assistant systems (AIVAS): the influence of personal traits
KY Lee, L Sheehan, K Lee, Y Chang
Internet Research 31 (5), 1899-1939, 2021
Innovation trough tradition in hospitality. The Italian case of Albergo Diffuso
LS Angelo Presenza, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli
Tourism Management 72 (June), 192-201, 2019
Planning tourism through sporting events
A Presenza, L Sheehan
International Journal of Event and Festival Management 4 (2), 125-139, 2013
Sustainable Mi'kmaw cultural tourism development in Nova Scotia, Canada: examining cultural tourist and Mi'kmaw perspectives
MF Lynch, P Duinker, L Sheehan, J Chute
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 18 (4), 539-556, 2010
Start-up entrepreneurs’ personality traits. An exploratory analysis of the Italian tourism industry
A Presenza, T Abbate, M Meleddu, L Sheehan
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (17), 2146-2164, 2020
Financial management in tourism: A destination perspective
LR Sheehan, JRB Ritchie
Tourism Economics 3 (2), 93-118, 1997
Tourism sciences or tourism studies? Implications for the design and content of tourism programming
JR Ritchie, LR Sheehan, S Timur
Téoros. Revue de recherche en tourisme 27 (27-1), 33-41, 2008
The organizational impacts of quality management in tourism firms: An empirical investigation of the Molise Region, Italy
L Sheehan, A Presenza
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 59 (4), 427-446, 2011
Creativity and innovation in haute cuisine restaurants: factors affecting the creative process of Michelin-rated chefs
T Abbate, A Presenza, F Cesaroni, M Meleddu, L Sheehan
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management 37 (1), 109-124, 2019
Destination management organizations: A stakeholder perspective
LR Sheehan
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