Expansions in eigenfunctions of selfadjoint operators IUM Berezanskiĭ American Mathematical Soc., 1968 | 1912 | 1968 |
Разложение по собственным функциям самосопряженных операторов ЮМ Березанский | 700 | 1965 |
Спектральные методы в бесконечномерном анализе КЮГ Березанский ЮМ Наук. думка, 1988 | 558* | 1988 |
Functional Analysis: Vol. I YM Berezansky, ZG Sheftel, GF Us Birkhäuser, 2012 | 288 | 2012 |
Self-adjoint operators in spaces of functions of an infinite number of variables YM Berezanskii Differential Equations and Numerical Mathematics, 9-17, 1982 | 240 | 1982 |
Eigenfunction expansions of self-adjoint operators YM Berezanskii Matematicheskii Sbornik 85 (1), 75-126, 1957 | 147 | 1957 |
Функциональный анализ: курс лекций ЮМ Березанский, ГФ Ус, ЗГ Шефтель Выща шк., 1990 | 124 | 1990 |
Integration of nonlinear difference equations by the method of the inverse spectral problem YM Berezanskii Doklady Akademii Nauk 281 (1), 16-19, 1985 | 103* | 1985 |
The uniqueness theorem in the inverse problem of spectral analysis for the Schrodinger equation YM Berezanskii Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva 7, 3-62, 1958 | 100 | 1958 |
The integration of semi-infinite Toda chain by means of inverse spectral problem YM Berezanski Reports on mathematical physics 24 (1), 21-47, 1986 | 85 | 1986 |
Harmonic analysis in hypercomplex systems YM Berezansky, AA Kalyuzhnyi Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
A theorem on homeomorphisms and the Green's function for general elliptic boundary problems YM Berezanskii, YA Roitberg Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 19 (5), 509-530, 1967 | 74* | 1967 |
Razlozhenie po sobstvennym funktsiyam samosopryazhennykh operatorov (Expansions in Eigenfunctions of Self-Adjoint Operators) YM Berezanskii Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1965 | 61 | 1965 |
Self-adjointness of elliptic operators with an infinite number of variables YM Berezanskii Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 27 (6), 598-608, 1975 | 51 | 1975 |
The direct and inverse spectral problems for the block Jacobi type unitary matrices YM Berezansky, ME Dudkin Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 11 (04), 327-345, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
Expansion of Self-Adjoint Operators in Eigenfunctions YM Berezanskii Amer. Math. Soc 17, 1965 | 44 | 1965 |
Spaces with negative norms YM Berezanskii Russian Mathematical Surveys 18 (1), 63, 1963 | 44* | 1963 |
О теореме единственности в обратной задаче спектрального анализа для уравнения Шредингера ЮМ Березанский Труды Московского математического общества 7 (0), 3-62, 1958 | 43 | 1958 |
The complex moment problem and direct and inverse spectral problems for the block Jacobi type bounded normal matrices YM Berezansky, ME Dudkin Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 12 (01), 1-31, 2006 | 41 | 2006 |
Commutative Jacobi fields in Fock space YM Berezansky Integral Equations and Operator Theory 30 (2), 163-190, 1998 | 41 | 1998 |