Takip et
Francisco J. Peñas
Francisco J. Peñas
Environmental Hydraulic Institute - IHCantabria
unican.es üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt
P Haase, DE Bowler, NJ Baker, N Bonada, S Domisch, ...
Nature 620 (7974), 582-588, 2023
Modelling the spatial and seasonal variability of water quality for entire river networks: Relationships with natural and anthropogenic factors
M Álvarez-Cabria, J Barquín, FJ Peñas
Science of the Total Environment 545, 152-162, 2016
Assessment of large-scale patterns of hydrological alteration caused by dams
FJ Peñas, J Barquín
Journal of Hydrology 572, 706-718, 2019
Assessing hydrologic alteration: Evaluation of different alternatives according to data availability
FJ Peñas, J Barquín, C Álvarez
Ecological Indicators 60, 470-482, 2016
The influence of methodological procedures on hydrological classification performance
FJ Peñas, J Barquín, TH Snelder, DJ Booker, C Álvarez
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (9), 3393-3409, 2014
Land-use coverage as an indicator of riparian quality
D Fernández, J Barquín, M Álvarez-Cabria, FJ Peñas
Ecological Indicators 41, 165-174, 2014
Quantifying the performance of automated GIS-based geomorphological approaches for riparian zone delineation using digital elevation models
D Fernández, J Barquín, M Álvarez-Cabria, FJ Peñas
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (10), 3851-3862, 2012
Modelling macroinvertebrate and fish biotic indices: From reaches to entire river networks
M Álvarez-Cabria, AM González-Ferreras, FJ Peñas, J Barquín
Science of the Total Environment 577, 308-318, 2017
Riparian quality and habitat heterogeneity assessment in Cantabrian rivers
J Barquín, D Fernández, M Alvarez-Cabria, F Penas
Limnetica 30 (2), 0329-346, 2011
Analysis of structural and functional indicators for assessing the health state of mountain streams
E Estevez, T Rodríguez-Castillo, M Álvarez-Cabria, FJ Penas, ...
Ecological indicators 72, 553-564, 2017
Integration of habitat models to predict fish distributions in several watersheds of N orthern S pain
AM González‐Ferreras, J Barquín, FJ Peñas
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32 (1), 204-216, 2016
Effects of sewage effluents and seasonal changes on the metabolism of three Atlantic rivers
T Rodríguez-Castillo, J Barquín, M Álvarez-Cabria, FJ Peñas, C Álvarez
Science of the Total Environment 599, 1108-1118, 2017
Assessing the Conservation Status of Alder‐Ash Alluvial Forest and Atlantic Salmon in the Natura 2000 River Network of Cantabria, Northern Spain
J Barquín, B Ondiviela, M Recio, M Álvarez‐Cabria, FJ Peñas, ...
River conservation and management, 193-210, 2012
Estimating minimum environmental flow requirements for well-mixed estuaries in Spain
FJ Peñas, JA Juanes, C Galván, R Medina, S Castanedo, C Álvarez, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 134, 138-149, 2013
Integration of hydrological and habitat simulation methods to define minimum environmental flows at the basin scale
FJ Peñas, JA Juanes, M Álvarez‐Cabria, C Álvarez, A García, A Puente, ...
Water and Environment Journal 28 (2), 252-260, 2014
The effect of altered flow regimes on aquatic primary producer communities: Diatoms and macrophytes
A Goldenberg‐Vilar, C Delgado, FJ Penas, J Barquin
Ecohydrology 15 (1), e2353, 2022
The role of forest maturity in extreme hydrological events
O Belmar, J Barquín, JM Álvarez‐Martínez, FJ Peñas, M Del Jesus
Ecohydrology 11 (4), e1947, 2018
Integrating monitoring, expert knowledge and habitat management within conservation organisations for the delivery of the water framework directive: A proposed approach
M Naura, DR Sear, M Álvarez Cabria, FJ Peñas Silva, ...
Asociación Ibérica de Limnología, 2011
Influence of data sources and processing methods on theoretical river network quality
FJ Penas, F Fernández, M Calvo, J Barquin, L Pedraz
Limnetica 30 (2), 0197-216, 2011
Brown trout upstream passage performance for a fishway with water drops between pools beyond fish passage design recommendations
FJ Bravo-Córdoba, JF Fuentes-Pérez, A García-Vega, FJ Peñas, ...
Water 14 (17), 2750, 2022
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