Takip et
Sara Cruz y Cruz
Sara Cruz y Cruz
ipn.mx üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Classical and quantum position-dependent mass harmonic oscillators
SC y Cruz, J Negro, LM Nieto
Physics Letters A 369 (5-6), 400-406, 2007
Position-dependent mass oscillators and coherent states
SC y Cruz, O Rosas-Ortiz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (18), 185205, 2009
On position-dependent mass harmonic oscillators
SC y Cruz, J Negro, LM Nieto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 128 (1), 012053, 2008
Classical motion and coherent states for Pöschl–Teller potentials
SC y Cruz, Ş Kuru, J Negro
Physics Letters A 372 (9), 1391-1405, 2008
Dynamical equations, invariants and spectrum generating algebras of mechanical systems with position-dependent mass
S Cruz y Cruz, O Rosas-Ortiz
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 9, 004, 2013
Group approach to the paraxial propagation of Hermite–Gaussian modes in a parabolic medium
SC y Cruz, Z Gress
Annals of Physics 383, 257-277, 2017
A primer on resonances in quantum mechanics
O Rosas‐Ortiz, N Fernández‐García, S Cruz y Cruz
AIP Conference Proceedings 1077 (1), 31-57, 2008
Leaky modes of waveguides as a classical optics analogy of quantum resonances
S Cruz y Cruz, O Rosas-Ortiz
Advances in Mathematical Physics 2015 (1), 281472, 2015
SU (1, 1) coherent states for position-dependent mass singular oscillators
SC y Cruz, O Rosas-Ortiz
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 50 (7), 2201-2210, 2011
Coherent states for exactly solvable time-dependent oscillators generated by Darboux transformations
SC y Cruz, R Razo, O Rosas-Ortiz, K Zelaya
Physica Scripta 95 (4), 044009, 2020
Coherent states for exactly solvable time-dependent oscillators generated by Darboux transformations
SC y Cruz, R Razo, O Rosas-Ortiz, K Zelaya
Physica Scripta 95 (4), 044009, 2020
On the construction of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with all-real spectra through supersymmetric algorithms
K Zelaya, SC y Cruz, O Rosas-Ortiz
Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVIII, 283-292, 2020
Completeness and nonclassicality of coherent states for generalized oscillator algebras
K Zelaya, O Rosas-Ortiz, Z Blanco-Garcia, S Cruz y Cruz
Advances in Mathematical Physics 2017 (1), 7168592, 2017
Non-inertial quantization: Truth or illusion?
SC y Cruz, B Mielnik
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 698 (1), 012002, 2016
The parity phenomenon of the Floquet spectra
SC y Cruz, B Mielnik
Physics Letters A 352 (1-2), 36-40, 2006
New confining optical media generated by Darboux transformations
R Razo, S Cruz y Cruz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1194, 012091, 2019
A note on the off-axis Gaussian beams propagation in parabolic media
Z Gress, SC y Cruz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 839 (1), 012024, 2017
Wave propagation in the presence of a dielectric slab: The paraxial approximation
SC y Cruz, R Razo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 624 (1), 012018, 2015
Hermite Coherent States for Quadratic Refractive Index Optical Media
Z Gress, SC y Cruz
Integrability, Supersymmetry and Coherent States, 323-339, 2019
Position dependent mass Scarf Hamiltonians generated via the Riccati equation
S Cruz y Cruz, C Santiago‐Cruz
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 42 (15), 4909-4924, 2019
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