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Clément Douarre
Clément Douarre
liris.cnrs.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Novel data augmentation strategies to boost supervised segmentation of plant disease
C Douarre, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gelibert, L Tougne, D Rousseau
Computers and electronics in agriculture 165, 104967, 2019
Transfer learning from synthetic data applied to soil–root segmentation in x-ray tomography images
C Douarre, R Schielein, C Frindel, S Gerth, D Rousseau
Journal of Imaging 4 (5), 65, 2018
Deep learning based root-soil segmentation from X-ray tomography images
C Douarre, R Schielein, C Frindel, S Gerth, D Rousseau
BioRxiv, 071662, 2016
CTIS-Net: a neural network architecture for compressed learning based on computed tomography imaging spectrometers
C Douarre, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gelibert, G Germain, L Tougne, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7, 572-583, 2021
Evaluation of 3D/2D imaging and image processing techniques for the monitoring of seed imbibition
E Belin, C Douarre, N Gillard, F Franconi, J Rojas-Varela, ...
Journal of Imaging 4 (7), 83, 2018
On the value of CTIS imagery for neural-network-based classification: a simulation perspective
C Douarre, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gelibert, L Tougne, D Rousseau
Applied optics 59 (28), 8697-8710, 2020
Deep learning based rootsoil segmentation from X-ray tomography. bioRxiv, 071662
C Douarre, R Schielein, C Frindel, S Gerth, D Rousseau
A strategy for multimodal canopy images registration
C Douarre, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gelibert, D Rousseau, L Tougne
7th International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods in the Plant Sciences, 2019
Deep learning based root-soil segmentation from X-ray tomography images. bioRxiv 071662
C Douarre, R Schielein, C Frindel, S Gerth, D Rousseau
PA-193 simple imaging system for optical label-free identification of bacterial clinical isolates in low-resource settings (LRS)
C Douarre, M Fangazio, D David, E Picard, E Hadji, O Vandenberg, ...
BMJ Global Health 8 (Suppl 10), 2023
Apprentissage comprimé sur images hyperspectrales de feuilles de pommier atteintes de tavelure
C Douarre, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gélibert, L Tougne, D Rousseau
GdR ISIS: IA pour l'agriculture, 2020
When spectro-imaging meets machine learning
C Douarre, L Tougne, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gelibert, D Rousseau
Workshop on Machine Learning Assisted Image Formation, 2019
Data simulation to improve supervised segmentation of apple scab images
C Douarre, L Tougne, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gelibert, D Rousseau
10e édition des Rencontres du végétal, 2018
Simple Imaging System for Label‐Free Identification of Bacterial Pathogens in Resource‐Limited Settings
C Douarre, D David, M Fangazio, E Picard, E Hadji, O Vandenberg, ...
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2024 (1), 6465280, 2024
High-throughput species identification of bacterial clinical isolates through lensfree imaging and deep learning
C Douarre, M Fangazio, D David, E Picard, E Hadji, O Vandenberg, ...
EDTCP Forum, 2023
Apprendre l’apprentissage automatique: un retour d’expérience
N Debs, S Peignier, C Douarre, T Jourdan, C Rigotti, C Frindel
J3eA 21, 2013, 2022
On the Value of CTIS imagery for Neural Network Based Classification Experimental Results
C Douarre, CC Junior, A Gelibert, L Tougne, D Rousseau
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CM2E. 4, 2021
Spectro-imagerie et apprentissage profond: application à la détection de maladies de plantes
C Douarre
Université de Lyon, 2021
Spectro-imagerie et apprentissage comprimé
C Douarre, CF Crispim-Junior, A Gélibert, L Tougne, D Rousseau
16èmes Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, 2021
Differentiation of plant species with hyperspectral and deep learning technology
C Douarre, G Germain, A Achard, A Gelibert, B Billiot
Image Analyses Methods for Plant Sciences, 2018
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