Higgs fields as Yang-Mills fields and discrete symmetries R Coquereaux, G Esposito-Farese, G Vaillant Nuclear Physics B 353 (3), 689-706, 1991 | 251 | 1991 |
Riemannian Geometry, Fibre Bundles, Kaluza-Klein Theories and all That R Coquereaux, A Jadczyk World scientific, 1988 | 136 | 1988 |
Geometry of multidimensional universes R Coquereaux, A Jadczyk Communications in Mathematical Physics 90, 79-100, 1983 | 136 | 1983 |
Noncommutative geometry and graded algebras in electroweak interactions R Coquereaux, GE Farèse, F Scheck International Journal of Modern Physics A 7 (26), 6555-6593, 1992 | 120 | 1992 |
Generalized gauge transformations and hidden symmetry in the standard model R Coquereaux, R Häußling, NA Papadopoulos, F Scheck International Journal of Modern Physics A 7 (12), 2809-2824, 1992 | 95 | 1992 |
Renormalization schemes in QED R Coquereaux Annals of Physics 125 (2), 401-428, 1980 | 95 | 1980 |
Modulo 8 periodicity of real Clifford algebras and particle physics R Coquereaux Physics Letters B 115 (5), 389-395, 1982 | 84 | 1982 |
Noncommutative geometry and theoretical physics R Coquereaux Journal of Geometry and Physics 6 (3), 425-490, 1989 | 82 | 1989 |
Symmetries of Einstein-Yang-Mills fields and dimensional reduction R Coquereaux, A Jadczyk Communications in mathematical physics 98, 79-104, 1985 | 68 | 1985 |
Photon-Z mixing in the Weinberg-Salam model: effective charges and the a=− 3 gauge L Baulieu, R Coquereaux Annals of Physics 140 (1), 163-202, 1982 | 60 | 1982 |
Twisted partition functions for ADE boundary conformal field theories and Ocneanu algebras of quantum symmetries R Coquereaux, G Schieber Journal of Geometry and Physics 42 (3), 216-258, 2002 | 53 | 2002 |
String structures on loop bundles R Coquereaux, K Pilch Communications in mathematical physics 120 (3), 353-378, 1989 | 53 | 1989 |
The theory of Kaluza-Klein-Jordan-Thiry revisited R Coquereaux, G Esposito-Farese Annales de l'IHP Physique théorique 52 (2), 113-150, 1990 | 46 | 1990 |
Analytic discussion of spatially closed Friedman universes with cosmological constant and radiation pressure R Coquereaux, A Grossmann Annals of physics 143 (2), 296-356, 1982 | 43 | 1982 |
Fermionic expansion in quantum electrodynamics R Coquereaux Physical Review D 23 (10), 2276, 1981 | 40 | 1981 |
Notes on the quantum tetrahedron R Coquereaux arXiv preprint math-ph/0011006, 2000 | 39 | 2000 |
Conformal theories, curved phase spaces, relativistic wavelets and the geometry of complex domains R Coquereaux, A Jadczyk Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2 (01), 1-44, 1990 | 35 | 1990 |
Differential calculus and connections on a quantum plane at a cubic root of unity R Coquereaux, AO Garcia, R Trinchero Reviews in Mathematical Physics 12 (02), 227-285, 2000 | 34 | 2000 |
On quantum symmetries of ADE graphs R Coquereaux, R Trinchero | 32 | 2004 |
On the Finite-Dimensional Quantum Group M3⊕(M2|1(Λ2))0 R Coquereaux Letters in Mathematical Physics 42, 309-328, 1997 | 31 | 1997 |