Dynamic imaging of coherent sources: studying neural interactions in the human brain J Gross, J Kujala, M Hämäläinen, L Timmermann, A Schnitzler, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (2), 694-699, 2001 | 2011 | 2001 |
Spatiotemporal characteristics of sensorimotor neuromagnetic rhythms related to thumb movement R Salmelin, R Hari Neuroscience 60 (2), 537-550, 1994 | 910 | 1994 |
Human cortical oscillations: a neuromagnetic view through the skull R Hari, R Salmelin Trends in neurosciences 20 (1), 44-49, 1997 | 863 | 1997 |
Cortical control of human motoneuron firing during isometric contraction S Salenius, K Portin, M Kajola, R Salmelin, R Hari Journal of neurophysiology 77 (6), 3401-3405, 1997 | 655 | 1997 |
Functional segregation of movement-related rhythmic activity in the human brain R Salmelin, M Hámáaláinen, M Kajola, R Hari Neuroimage 2 (4), 237-243, 1995 | 649 | 1995 |
Dynamics of letter string perception in the human occipitotemporal cortex A Tarkiainen, P Helenius, PC Hansen, PL Cornelissen, R Salmelin Brain 122 (11), 2119-2132, 1999 | 618 | 1999 |
Impaired visual word processing in dyslexia revealed with magnetoencephalography R Salmelin, P Kiesilä, K Uutela, E Service, O Salonen Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 1996 | 542 | 1996 |
MEG: An introduction to methods P Hansen, M Kringelbach, R Salmelin Oxford university press, 2010 | 516 | 2010 |
Involvement of primary motor cortex in motor imagery: a neuromagnetic study A Schnitzler, S Salenius, R Salmelin, V Jousmäki, R Hari Neuroimage 6 (3), 201-208, 1997 | 490 | 1997 |
Dynamics of brain activation during picture naming R Salmelin, R Hari, OV Lounasmaa, M Sams Nature 368 (6470), 463-465, 1994 | 473 | 1994 |
The neural basis of intermittent motor control in humans J Groß, L Timmermann, J Kujala, M Dirks, F Schmitz, R Salmelin, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (4), 2299-2302, 2002 | 442 | 2002 |
An MEG study of picture naming WJM Levelt, P Praamstra, AS Meyer, P Helenius, R Salmelin Journal of cognitive neuroscience 10 (5), 553-567, 1998 | 427 | 1998 |
Ihmiseen kohdistuvan tutkimuksen eettiset periaatteet ja ihmistieteiden eettinen ennakkoarviointi Suomessa. Tutkimuseettisen neuvottelukunnan ohje 2019. I Kohonen, A Kuula-Luumi, SK Spoof, E Löfström, K Hämäläinen, ... Ihmiseen kohdistuvan tutkimuksen eettiset periaatteet ja ihmistieteiden …, 2019 | 403 | 2019 |
Single word reading in developmental stutterers and fluent speakers R Salmelin, A Schnitzler, F Schmitz, HJ Freund Brain 123 (6), 1184-1202, 2000 | 385 | 2000 |
Dissociation of normal feature analysis and deficient processing of letter-strings in dyslexic adults P Helenius, A Tarkiainen, P Cornelissen, PC Hansen, R Salmelin Cerebral Cortex 9 (5), 476-483, 1999 | 358 | 1999 |
Distinct time courses of word and context comprehension in the left temporal cortex. P Helenius, R Salmelin, E Service, JF Connolly Brain: a journal of neurology 121 (6), 1133-1142, 1998 | 356 | 1998 |
Magnetoencephalography: From SQUIDs to neuroscience: Neuroimage 20th anniversary special edition R Hari, R Salmelin Neuroimage 61 (2), 386-396, 2012 | 337 | 2012 |
Characterization of spontaneous MEG rhythms in healthy adults R Salmelin, R Hari Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 91 (4), 237-248, 1994 | 328 | 1994 |
Magnetoencephalographic cortical rhythms R Hari, R Salmelin, JP Mäkelä, S Salenius, M Helle International journal of psychophysiology 26 (1-3), 51-62, 1997 | 320 | 1997 |
Modulation of human cortical rolandic rhythms during natural sensorimotor tasks S Salenius, A Schnitzler, R Salmelin, V Jousmäki, R Hari Neuroimage 5 (3), 221-228, 1997 | 318 | 1997 |