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45 2015 Attaching molecular hydrogen to metal cations: perspectives from gas-phase infrared spectroscopy V Dryza, BLJ Poad, EJ Bieske
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41 2012 Threshold Photoionization and Density Functional Theory Studies of the Niobium Carbide Clusters Nb3 Cn (n = 1−4) and Nb4 Cn (n = 1−6) V Dryza, MA Addicoat, JR Gascooke, MA Buntine, GF Metha
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41 2008 Non-covalent interactions between metal cations and molecular hydrogen: spectroscopic studies of M+ –H2 complexes V Dryza, EJ Bieske
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40 2013 Electronic Spectra of Gas-Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycle Cations: Isoquinoline+ and Quinoline+ V Dryza, JA Sanelli, EG Robertson, EJ Bieske
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40 2012 Ionization Potentials of Tantalum− Carbide Clusters: An Experimental and Density Functional Theory Study V Dryza, MA Addicoat, JR Gascooke, MA Buntine, GF Metha
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30 2009 Infrared Spectroscopy of the Ag+ −H2 Complex: Exploring the Connection Between Vibrational Band-Shifts and Binding Energies V Dryza, EJ Bieske
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28 2008 Electronic absorptions of the benzylium cation V Dryza, N Chalyavi, JA Sanelli, EJ Bieske
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26 2012 Suppressing forster resonance energy transfer between organic dyes on a cosensitized metal oxide surface V Dryza, EJ Bieske
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20 2014 Photochrome-doped organic films for photonic keypad locks and multi-state fluorescence C Ritchie, G Vamvounis, H Soleimaninejad, TA Smith, EJ Bieske, V Dryza
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19 2017 Infrared spectra and density functional theory calculations for Mn+–(CH4) n (n= 1–6) clusters V Dryza, EJ Bieske
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19 2010 Infrared Spectra of Mass-Selected Mg+ −H2 and Mg+ −D2 Complexes V Dryza, BL Poad, EJ Bieske
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19 2009 The Cr+–D2 cation complex: Accurate experimental dissociation energy, intermolecular bond length, and vibrational parameters V Dryza, EJ Bieske
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18 2009 Structure and properties of the Zn+–D2 complex V Dryza, EJ Bieske
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17 2009 Does the triphenylamine-based D35 dye sensitizer form aggregates on metal-oxide surfaces? V Dryza, EJ Bieske
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16 2015 Potential energy surface and rovibrational calculations for the Mg +– H2 and Mg +– D2 complexes V Dryza, EJ Bieske, AA Buchachenko, J Kłos
The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (4), 2011
16 2011 Gas-phase electronic spectroscopy of the indene cation (C9H8+) N Chalyavi, V Dryza, JA Sanelli, EJ Bieske
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (22), 2013
15 2013 Blue to near-IR energy transfer cascade within a dye-doped polymer matrix, mediated by a photochromic molecular switch V Dryza, TA Smith, EJ Bieske
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