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Ole Krogh Andersen
Ole Krogh Andersen
fkf.mpg.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Linear methods in band theory
OK Andersen
Physical Review B 12 (8), 3060, 1975
Band theory and Mott insulators: Hubbard U instead of Stoner I
VI Anisimov, J Zaanen, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 44 (3), 943, 1991
Improved tetrahedron method for Brillouin-zone integrations
PE Blöchl, O Jepsen, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 49 (23), 16223, 1994
Explicit, first-principles tight-binding theory
OK Andersen, O Jepsen
Physical Review Letters 53 (27), 2571, 1984
The electronic structure of hcp Ytterbium
O Jepson, OK Anderson
Solid State Communications 9 (20), 1763-1767, 1971
Electron localization in solid‐state structures of the elements: the diamond structure
A Savin, O Jepsen, J Flad, OK Andersen, H Preuss, HG von Schnering
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 31 (2), 187-188, 1992
Band-Structure Trend in Hole-Doped Cuprates and Correlation with
E Pavarini, I Dasgupta, T Saha-Dasgupta, O Jepsen, OK Andersen
Physical review letters 87 (4), 047003, 2001
LDA energy bands, low-energy hamiltonians, t′, t ″, t⊥(k), and J⊥
OK Andersen, AI Liechtenstein, O Jepsen, F Paulsen
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 56 (12), 1573-1591, 1995
Illustration of the linear-muffin-tin-orbital tight-binding representation: Compact orbitals and charge density in Si
OK Andersen, Z Pawlowska, O Jepsen
Physical Review B 34 (8), 5253, 1986
Highlights of condensed matter theory
OK Anderson
Internat. School of Phys. Enrico Fermi 89, 59, 1985
Electron-phonon interaction in the normal and superconducting states of MgB 2
Y Kong, OV Dolgov, O Jepsen, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 64 (2), 020501, 2001
Minimal basis sets in the linear muffin-tin orbital method: Application to the diamond-structure crystals C, Si, and Ge
WRL Lambrecht, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 34 (4), 2439, 1986
Fast full-potential calculations with a converged basis of atom-centered linear muffin-tin orbitals: Structural and dynamic properties of silicon
M Methfessel, CO Rodriguez, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 40 (3), 2009, 1989
Mott Transition and Suppression of Orbital Fluctuations in Orthorhombic Perovskites
E Pavarini, S Biermann, A Poteryaev, AI Lichtenstein, A Georges, ...
Physical review letters 92 (17), 176403, 2004
Density-functional calculation of the parameters in the Anderson model: Application to Mn in CdTe
O Gunnarsson, OK Andersen, O Jepsen, J Zaanen
Physical Review B 39 (3), 1708, 1989
Muffin-tin orbitals of arbitrary order
OK Andersen, T Saha-Dasgupta
Physical Review B 62 (24), R16219, 2000
Calculated electronic structure of the sandwichd 1 metals LaI2 and CeI2: Application of new LMTO techniques
O Jepsen, OK Andersen
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 97, 35-47, 1995
Electronic structure of the fcc transition metals Ir, Rh, Pt, and Pd
OK Andersen
Physical Review B 2 (4), 883, 1970
Self-consistent impurity calculations in the atomic-spheres approximation
O Gunnarsson, O Jepsen, OK Andersen
Physical Review B 27 (12), 7144, 1983
Superconductivity in : Clean or Dirty?
II Mazin, OK Andersen, O Jepsen, OV Dolgov, J Kortus, AA Golubov, ...
Physical review letters 89 (10), 107002, 2002
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