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Nicole Van Nes
Nicole Van Nes
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Influencing product lifetime through product design
N Van Nes, J Cramer
Business Strategy and the Environment 14 (5), 286-299, 2005
Product lifetime optimization: a challenging strategy towards more sustainable consumption patterns
N Van Nes, J Cramer
Journal of Cleaner Production 14 (15-16), 1307-1318, 2006
HeartPy: A novel heart rate algorithm for the analysis of noisy signals
P Van Gent, H Farah, N Van Nes, B Van Arem
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 368-378, 2019
Analysing noisy driver physiology real-time using off-the-shelf sensors: Heart rate analysis software from the taking the fast lane project
P Van Gent, H Farah, N Van Nes, B Van Arem
Journal of Open Research Software 7 (1), 2019
Heart rate analysis for human factors: Development and validation of an open source toolkit for noisy naturalistic heart rate data
V Gent
(No Title), 173, 2018
Situation awareness increases when drivers have more time to take over the wheel in a Level 3 automated car: A simulator study
W Vlakveld, N van Nes, J de Bruin, L Vissers, M van der Kroft
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 58, 917-929, 2018
The study design of UDRIVE: the naturalistic driving study across Europe for cars, trucks and scooters
Y Barnard, F Utesch, N van Nes, R Eenink, M Baumann
European Transport Research Review 8, 1-10, 2016
Understanding replacement behaviour and exploring design solutions
N Van Nes
Longer lasting products, 107-131, 2016
Replacement of Durables: Influencing Product Liferime Through Product Design
CN van Nes
Improving homogeneity by dynamic speed limit systems
N van Nes, S Brandenburg, D Twisk
Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (3), 944-952, 2010
Design strategies for the lifetime optimisation of products
N Van Nes, J Cramer
The Journal of Sustainable Product Design 3 (3), 101-107, 2003
Towards a large-scale European Naturalistic Driving study: final report of PROLOGUE
I Van Schagen, R Welsh, A Backer-Grondahl, M Hoedemaeker, T Lotan, ...
SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, Netherlands, 2011
The potential of naturalistic driving for in-depth understanding of driver behavior: UDRIVE results and beyond
N van Nes, J Bärgman, M Christoph, I van Schagen
Safety Science 119, 11-20, 2019
Self-regulation of drivers’ mobile phone use: The influence of driving context
M Christoph, S Wesseling, N van Nes
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 262-272, 2019
A practical approach to the ecological lifetime optimization of electronic products
N Van Nes, J Cramer, A Stevels
Proceedings First International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious …, 1999
Attitudes towards current and lowered speed limits in Australia
JA Lahausse, N van Nes, BN Fildes, MD Keall
Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (6), 2108-2116, 2010
Improving speed behaviour: the potential of in-car speed assistance and speed limit credibility
N Van Nes, M Houtenbos, I Van Schagen
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 2 (4), 323-330, 2008
Safe speeds and credible speed limits (sacredspeed): a new vision for decision making on speed management
L Aarts, N van Nes, F Wegman, I Van Schagen, R Louwerse
Compendium of papers of the 88th TRB Annual Meeting, 11-15, 2009
An exploration of alternative intersection designs in the context of Safe System
N Candappa, D Logan, N Van Nes, B Corben
Accident Analysis & Prevention 74, 314-323, 2015
A conceptual model for persuasive in-vehicle technology to influence tactical level driver behaviour
P van Gent, H Farah, N Van Nes, B van Arem
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 202-216, 2019
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