Takip et
Fred Miao, Ph.D.,  Professor of Marketing and John Merrill Endowed Professor in Consultative Sales
Fred Miao, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing and John Merrill Endowed Professor in Consultative Sales
uta.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
An Emerging Theory of Avatar Marketing
F Miao, IV Kozlenkova, H Wang, T Xie, RW Palmatier
Journal of Marketing, 0022242921994587, 2021
The role of salesperson motivation in sales control systems—Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation revisited
CF Miao, KR Evans, Z Shaoming
Journal of Business Research 60 (5), 417-425, 2007
The interactive effects of sales control systems on salesperson performance: A job demands–resources perspective
CF Miao, KR Evans
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41, 73-90, 2013
Effects of sales force market orientation on creativity, innovation implementation, and sales performance
G Wang, CF Miao
Journal of business research 68 (11), 2374-2382, 2015
The impact of salesperson motivation on role perceptions and job performance—a cognitive and affective perspective
C Fred Miao, KR Evans
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 27 (1), 89-101, 2007
The effects of supplier capabilities on industrial customers’ loyalty: the role of dependence
LK Scheer, CF Miao, J Garrett
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 38, 90-104, 2010
Dependence and interdependence in marketing relationships: Meta-analytic insights
LK Scheer, CF Miao, RW Palmatier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 43, 694-712, 2015
Motivating industrial salesforce with sales control systems: An interactive perspective
CF Miao, KR Evans
Journal of Business Research 67 (6), 1233-1242, 2014
Effects of formal sales control systems: A combinatory perspective
CF Miao, KR Evans
International Journal of Research in Marketing 29 (2), 181-191, 2012
The differential effects of functional vis-à-vis relational customer orientation on salesperson creativity
CF Miao, G Wang
Journal of Business Research 69 (12), 6021-6030, 2016
Reexamining the influence of career stages on salesperson motivation: A cognitive and affective perspective
CF Miao, DJ Lund, KR Evans
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 29 (3), 243-255, 2009
What makes online content viral? The contingent effects of hub users versus non–hub users on social media platforms
Q Wang, F Miao, G Tayi, E Xie
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2019
Sales channel integration after mergers and acquisitions: A methodological approach for avoiding common pitfalls
RW Palmatier, CF Miao, E Fang
Industrial Marketing Management 36 (5), 589-603, 2007
Key supplier involvement in IT-enabled operations: When does it lead to improved performance?
F Miao, G Wang, P Jiraporn
Industrial Marketing Management 75, 134-145, 2018
Effects of work–family interface conflicts on salesperson behaviors: A double-edged sword
CF Miao, G Wang
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 762-783, 2017
Effects of top-performer rewards on fellow salespeople: a double-edged sword
CF Miao, KR Evans, P Li
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 37 (4), 280-297, 2017
Sales Force‐Generated Marketing Intelligence
KR Evans, CF Miao
Managing differential effects of salespersons’ regulatory foci – a dual process model of dominant and supplemental pathways.
F Miao, Y Zheng, Z Zang, D Grisaffe, K Evans
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2021
Salesforce Control Systems - An Integrated Approach
CF Miao
Dissertation, 1-137, 2007
Going beyond fit (misfit): Enhancing sales performance based on salespeople's self-construal
Y Zheng, Z Zang, D Grisaffe, F Miao, X Wang
Industrial Marketing Management 115, 339-354, 2023
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