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Stefanie Grosser
Stefanie Grosser
otago.ac.nz üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Evaluating a multigene environmental DNA approach for biodiversity assessment
AJ Drummond, RD Newcomb, TR Buckley, D Xie, A Dopheide, ...
GigaScience 4 (1), s13742-015-0086-1, 2015
Analysis of a deep transcriptome from the mantle tissue of Patella vulgata Linnaeus (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Patellidae) reveals candidate biomineralising genes
GDA Werner, P Gemmell, S Grosser, R Hamer, SM Shimeld
Marine biotechnology 15, 230-243, 2013
Early sexual dimorphism in the developing gut microbiome of northern elephant seals
M Stoffel A., K Acevedo-Whitehouse, N Morales-Durán, S Grosser, ...
Molecular Ecology, 1-14, 2020
Toll-like receptor diversity in 10 threatened bird species: relationship with microsatellite heterozygosity
CE Grueber, GJ Knafler, TM King, AM Senior, S Grosser, B Robertson, ...
Conservation Genetics 16, 595-611, 2015
Estimating the biodiversity of terrestrial invertebrates on a forested island using DNA barcodes and metabarcoding data
A Dopheide, LK Tooman, S Grosser, B Agabiti, B Rhode, D Xie, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (4), e01877, 2019
Population differentiation and behavioural association of the two ‘personality’ genes DRD4 and SERT in dunnocks (Prunella modularis)
B Holtmann, S Grosser, M Lagisz, SL Johnson, ESA Santos, CE Lara, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (3), 706-722, 2016
Coalescent Modelling Suggests Recent Secondary-Contact of Cryptic Penguin Species
S Grosser, CP Burridge, AJ Peucker, JM Waters
PLoS ONE 10 (12), e0144966, 2015
Fur seal microbiota are shaped by the social and physical environment, show mother‐offspring similarities and are associated with host genetic quality
S Grosser, J Sauer, AJ Paijmans, BA Caspers, J Forcada, JBW Wolf, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2019
Invader or resident? Ancient-DNA reveals rapid species turnover in New Zealand little penguins
S Grosser, NJ Rawlence, CNK Anderson, IWG Smith, RP Scofield, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283, 20152879, 2016
Genomic insights into the secondary aquatic transition of penguins
TL Cole, C Zhou, M Fang, H Pan, DT Ksepka, SR Fiddaman, CA Emerling, ...
Nature Communications 13, 3912, 2022
Analysis of the genome of the New Zealand giant collembolan (Holacanthella duospinosa) sheds light on hexapod evolution
C Wu, MD Jordan, RD Newcomb, NJ Gemmell, S Bank, K Meusemann, ...
BMC Genomics 18, 795, 2017
Genomic signatures of inbreeding in a critically endangered parrot, the kākāpō
Y Foster, L Dutoit, S Grosser, N Dussex, BJ Foster, KG Dodds, R Brauning, ...
G3 11 (11), jkab307, 2021
High-coverage genomes to elucidate the evolution of penguins
H Pan, TL Cole, X Bi, M Fang, C Zhou, Z Yang, DT Ksepka, T Hart, ...
GigaScience 8 (9), 1-17, 2019
Genetic sex assignment in wild populations using GBS data: a statistical threshold approach
W Stovall, HR Taylor, M Black, S Grosser, K Rutherford, NJ Gemmell
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2018
Strong isolation by distance argues for separate population management of endangered blue duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos)
S Grosser, J Abdelkrim, J Wing, BC Robertson, NJ Gemmell
Conservation Genetics, doi:10.1007/s10592-016-0908-4, 2016
Managing shifting species: Ancient DNA reveals conservation conundrums in a dynamic world
JM Waters, S Grosser
BioEssays, doi:10.1002/bies.201600044, 2016
Multivariate skeletal analyses support a taxonomic distinction between New Zealand and Australian Eudyptula penguins (Sphenisciformes: Spheniscidae)
S Grosser, RP Scofield, JM Waters
Emu-Austral Ornithology 177, 176-283, 2017
Phylogenetic affinities of the Whenua Hou Diving Petrel: implications for conservation
S Grosser, F Robertson, LD Shepherd, AJD Tennyson, CM Miskelly, ...
Emu - Austral Ornithology, 2021
Development and characterisation of 20 novel microsatellite markers for the little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) using next-generation sequencing
S Grosser, JM Waters
Conservation Genetics Resources 7, 143-145, 2015
DNA samples from wild animal populations as a byproduct of PIT tagging
S Grosser, H Ratz, JM Waters
Conservation Genetics Resources 7, 631-633, 2015
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