Takip et
Mustafa Özdemir (Ozdemir)
Mustafa Özdemir (Ozdemir)
Istanbul Technical University, Physics Engineering; Prof. Dr.
itu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Growth and characterization of single crystalline tin oxide (SnO2) nanowires
S Budak, GX Miao, M Ozdemir, KB Chetry, A Gupta
Journal of crystal growth 291 (2), 405-411, 2006
Irreversibility field and flux pinning inMgB2 with and without SiC additions
MD Sumption, M Bhatia, SX Dou, M Rindfliesch, M Tomsic, L Arda, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 17 (10), 1180, 2004
Observations of in a Higher Spin State and the Increase in the Seebeck Coefficient <?format ?>of Thermoelectric
RF Klie, Q Qiao, T Paulauskas, A Gulec, A Rebola, S Öğüt, MP Prange, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (19), 196601, 2012
Magnetic Anisotropies in Ultra-Thin Iron Films Grown on the Surface-Reconstructed GaAs Substrate
B Aktas, B Heinrich, G Woltersdorf, R Urban, LR Tagirov, F Yildiz, ...
Ferromagnetic resonance studies of exchange coupled ultrathin Py/Cr/Py trilayers
R Topkaya, M Erkovan, A Öztürk, O Öztürk, B Aktaş, M Özdemir
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2), 2010
Simulated spin wave resonance absorption curves for ferromagnetic thin films and application to NiMn films
B Aktas, M Ozdemir
Physica B: Condensed Matter 193 (2), 125-138, 1994
Effect of substrate on the atomic structure and physical properties of thermoelectricCa3Co4O9 thin films
Q Qiao, A Gulec, T Paulauskas, S Kolesnik, B Dabrowski, M Ozdemir, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (30), 305005, 2011
Ferromagnetic resonance in double perovskite epitaxial thin films of La2NiMnO6 on SrTiO3 and NdGaO3 substrates
S Kazan, FA Mikailzade, M Özdemir, B Aktaş, B Rameev, A Intepe, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (7), 2010
Ferromagnetic resonance studies of Co nanowire arrays
O Yalçın, F Yıldız, M Özdemir, B Aktaş, Y Köseoğlu, M Bal, MT Tuominen
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 272, 1684-1685, 2004
Dielectric properties of Sm, Nd and Fe doped Bi1. 5Zn0. 92Nb1. 5O6. 92 pyrochlores
A Mergen, H Zorlu, M Özdemir, M Yumak
Ceramics International 37 (1), 37-42, 2011
Temperature dependence of magnetic properties of La0. 67Sr0. 33MnO3 compound by ferromagnetic resonance technique
S Budak, M Özdemir, B Aktaş
Physica B: Condensed Matter 339 (1), 45-50, 2003
Ferromagnetic resonance investigation of Py/Cr multilayer system
M Erkovan, ST Öztürk, R Topkaya, M Özdemir, B Aktaş, O Öztürk
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2), 2011
The role of Pt impurities on both bulk and surface anisotropies in amorphous NiMn films
Y Öner, M Özdemir, B Aktas, C Topacli, EA Harris, S Senoussi
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 170 (1-2), 129-142, 1997
A spin-wave resonance study on reentrant Ni77Mn23 thin films
M Özdemir, B Aktaş, Y Öner, T Sato, T Ando
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 164 (1-2), 53-60, 1996
Anomalous anisotropy of re-entrant film
M Özdemir, B Aktas, Y Öner, T Sato, T Ando
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (30), 6433, 1997
Effect of deposition technique of Ni on the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Co/Ni multilayers
S Akbulut, A Akbulut, M Özdemir, F Yildiz
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 390, 137-141, 2015
Field cooling-induced magnetic anisotropy in exchange biased CoO/Fe bilayer studied by ferromagneticresonance
N Akdogˇan, S Kazan, B Aktaş, M Özdemir, H İnam, M Obaida, J Dudek, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 323 (3-4), 346-350, 2011
Low magnetisation alloys for in-plane spin transfer torque devices
K Oguz, M Ozdemir, O Dur, JMD Coey
Journal of Applied Physic 111, 113904, 2012
Fabrication and characterisation of Cr and Co doped Bi1. 5Zn0. 92Nb1. 5O6. 92 pyrochlores
A Mergen, H Zorlu, M Özdemir, M Yumak
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 31 (14), 2633-2639, 2011
Optical properties and crystallization kinetics of (TeO2)(ZnO)(TiO2) glasses
I Kabalci, NÖ Körpe, T Duran, M Özdemir
physica status solidi (c) 8 (9), 2629-2632, 2011
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