Takip et
Bassam Hammo
Bassam Hammo
On leave from The University of Jordan to Princess Sumaya University for Technology
ju.edu.jo üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
QARAB: A: Question answering system to support the Arabic language
B Hammo, H Abu-Salem, SL Lytinen, M Evens
Proceedings of the ACL-02 workshop on Computational approaches to semitic …, 2002
WCBA: Weighted classification based on association rules algorithm for breast cancer disease
J Alwidian, BH Hammo, N Obeid
Applied Soft Computing 62, 536-549, 2018
Intelligent detection of hate speech in Arabic social network: A machine learning approach
I Aljarah, M Habib, N Hijazi, H Faris, R Qaddoura, B Hammo, ...
Journal of information science 47 (4), 483-501, 2021
Knowledge discovery in Al-Hadith using text classification algorithm
K Jbara
Journal of American Science 6 (11), 409-419, 2010
Towards enhancing retrieval effectiveness of search engines for diacritisized Arabic documents
BH Hammo
Information retrieval 12, 300-323, 2009
Identifying β-thalassemia carriers using a data mining approach: The case of the Gaza Strip, Palestine
AS AlAgha, H Faris, BH Hammo, AZ Ala’M
Artificial intelligence in medicine 88, 70-83, 2018
Experimenting with a question answering system for the Arabic language
B Hammo, S Abuleil, S Lytinen, M Evens
Computers and the Humanities 38, 397-415, 2004
A deep learning approach for arabic text classification
K Sundus, F Al-Haj, B Hammo
2019 2nd international conference on new trends in computing sciences (ictcs …, 2019
New efficient strategy to accelerate k-means clustering algorithm
M Al-Zoubi, A Hudaib, A Huneiti, B Hammo
American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (9), 1247-1250, 2008
Effectiveness of query expansion in searching the Holy Quran
B Hammo, A Sleit, M El-Haj
Proceedings of L’institut organise le 2ème Colloque International sur le …, 2007
An academic Arabic corpus for plagiarism detection: Design, construction and experimentation
E Al-Thwaib, BH Hammo, S Yagi
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 17, 1-26, 2020
Evaluation of query-based Arabic text summarization system
MO El-Haj, BH Hammo
2008 international conference on natural language processing and knowledge …, 2008
Solving the multicollinearity problem to improve the stability of machine learning algorithms applied to a fully annotated breast cancer dataset
KI Sundus, BH Hammo, MB Al-Zoubi, A Al-Omari
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 33, 101088, 2022
A convolutional neural network model to detect illegitimate URLs
N Al-Milli, BH Hammo
2020 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems …, 2020
A hybrid deep learning model for arabic text recognition
M Fasha, B Hammo, N Obeid, J Widian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.01987, 2020
Exploring and exploiting a historical corpus for Arabic
B Hammo, S Yagi, O Ismail, M AbuShariah
Language Resources and Evaluation 50, 839-861, 2016
Offensive language detection in Arabic social networks using evolutionary-based classifiers learned from fine-tuned embeddings
F Shannaq, B Hammo, H Faris, PA Castillo-Valdivieso
IEEE Access 10, 75018-75039, 2022
Investigating the Readiness of College Students for ICT and Mobile Learning: A Case Study from King Saud University
D Al-Husain, B Hammo
International Arab Journal of e-Technology (IAJET) 4 (1), 48-55, 2015
Formal description of Arabic syntactic structure in the framework of the government and binding theory
H Bassam, M Asma, O Nadim, T Abeer
Computación y Sistemas 18 (3), 611-625, 2014
The design, construction and evaluation of annotated Arabic cyberbullying corpus
F Shannag, BH Hammo, H Faris
Education and Information Technologies 27 (8), 10977-11023, 2022
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