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Daniel van Denderen
Daniel van Denderen
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Similar effects of bottom trawling and natural disturbance on composition and function of benthic communities across habitats
PD Van Denderen, SG Bolam, JG Hiddink, S Jennings, A Kenny, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 541, 31-43, 2015
Towards a framework for the quantitative assessment of trawling impact on the seabed and benthic ecosystem
AD Rijnsdorp, F Bastardie, SG Bolam, L Buhl-Mortensen, OR Eigaard, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (suppl_1), i127-i138, 2016
Estimating sensitivity of seabed habitats to disturbance by bottom trawling based on the longevity of benthic fauna
AD Rijnsdorp, SG Bolam, C Garcia, JG Hiddink, NT Hintzen, ...
Ecological Applications 28 (5), 1302-1312, 2018
Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships in fish communities: biomass is related to evenness and the environment, not to species richness
A Maureaud, D Hodapp, PD Van Denderen, H Hillebrand, H Gislason, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1906), 20191189, 2019
When does fishing lead to more fish? Community consequences of bottom trawl fisheries in demersal food webs
PD Van Denderen, T Van Kooten, AD Rijnsdorp
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1769), 20131883, 2013
Global patterns in marine predatory fish
PD van Denderen, M Lindegren, BR MacKenzie, RA Watson, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, 2017
Habitat-specific effects of fishing disturbance on benthic species richness in marine soft sediments
PD Van Denderen, NT Hintzen, AD Rijnsdorp, P Ruardij, T van Kooten
Ecosystems 17, 1216-1226, 2014
Bottom-up drivers of global patterns of demersal, forage, and pelagic fishes
CM Petrik, CA Stock, KH Andersen, PD van Denderen, JR Watson
Progress in oceanography 176, 102124, 2019
Different bottom trawl fisheries have a differential impact on the status of the North Sea seafloor habitats
AD Rijnsdorp, JG Hiddink, PD Van Denderen, NT Hintzen, OR Eigaard, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (5), 1772-1786, 2020
Temporal aggregation of bottom trawling and its implication for the impact on the benthic ecosystem
PD van Denderen, NT Hintzen, T van Kooten, AD Rijnsdorp
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (3), 952-961, 2015
Global analysis of fish growth rates shows weaker responses to temperature than metabolic predictions
D van Denderen, H Gislason, J van den Heuvel, KH Andersen
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (12), 2203-2213, 2020
Large pelagic fish are most sensitive to climate change despite pelagification of ocean food webs
CM Petrik, CA Stock, KH Andersen, PD van Denderen, JR Watson
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 588482, 2020
Trawl fishing impacts on the status of seabed fauna in diverse regions of the globe
T Mazor, CR Pitcher, W Rochester, MJ Kaiser, JG Hiddink, S Jennings, ...
Fish and Fisheries 22 (1), 72-86, 2021
Spatial distribution of life‐history traits and their response to environmental gradients across multiple marine taxa
L Pecuchet, G Reygondeau, WWL Cheung, P Licandro, ...
Ecosphere 9 (10), e02460, 2018
Evaluating impacts of bottom trawling and hypoxia on benthic communities at the local, habitat, and regional scale using a modelling approach
PD van Denderen, SG Bolam, R Friedland, JG Hiddink, K Noren, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (1), 278-289, 2020
Emergent global biogeography of marine fish food webs
PD van Denderen, CM Petrik, CA Stock, KH Andersen
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (9), 1822-1834, 2021
Harvesting forage fish can prevent fishing-induced population collapses of large piscivorous fish
FH Soudijn, P Daniël van Denderen, M Heino, U Dieckmann, AM de Roos
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (6), e1917079118, 2021
Reducing fisheries impacts on the seafloor: a bio-economic evaluation of policy strategies for improving sustainability in the Baltic Sea
F Bastardie, J Danto, MC Rufener, D van Denderen, OR Eigaard, ...
Fisheries Research 230, 105681, 2020
Food web feedbacks drive the response of benthic macrofauna to bottom trawling
KE van de Wolfshaar, PD van Denderen, T Schellekens, T van Kooten
Fish and Fisheries 21 (5), 962-972, 2020
FISHGLOB_data: an integrated dataset of fish biodiversity sampled with scientific bottom-trawl surveys
AA Maureaud, J Palacios-Abrantes, Z Kitchel, L Mannocci, ML Pinsky, ...
Scientific data 11 (1), 24, 2024
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