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Christina Neumayer
Christina Neumayer
Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen
hum.ku.dk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Cloaked Facebook pages: Exploring fake Islamist propaganda in social media
J Farkas, J Schou, C Neumayer
New Media & Society 20 (5), 1850-1867, 2018
Images of protest in social media: Struggle over visibility and visual narratives
C Neumayer, L Rossi
New Media & Society 20 (11), 4293-4310, 2018
Platformed antagonism: Racist discourses on fake Muslim Facebook pages
J Farkas, J Schou, C Neumayer
Critical Discourse Studies 15 (5), 463-480, 2018
The mobile phone in street protest: Texting, tweeting, tracking, and tracing
C Neumayer, GB Stald
Mobile Media and Communication 2 (2), 117-133, 2014
The playful politics of memes
M Mortensen, C Neumayer
Information, Communication & Society 24 (16), 2367-2377, 2021
Activism and radical politics in the digital age: Towards a typology
C Neumayer, J Svensson
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 2016
Disguised propaganda from digital to social media
J Farkas, C Neumayer
Second international handbook of internet research, 707-723, 2020
Facebook for global protest: The potential and limits of social software for grassroots activism
C Neumayer, R Celina
5th Prato Community Informatics & Development Informatics Conference: ICTs …, 2009
Laying Claim to Social Media by Activists: A Cyber-Material Détournement
V Galis, C Neumayer
Social media+ society 2 (3), 2056305116664360, 2016
Context collapse and anonymity among queer Reddit users
AH Triggs, K Møller, C Neumayer
New Media & Society 23 (1), 5-21, 2021
‘Brussels will land on its feet like a cat’: motivations for memefying# Brusselslockdown
MS Jensen, C Neumayer, L Rossi
Information, Communication & Society 23 (1), 59-75, 2020
Digital images and globalized conflict
B Blaagaard, M Mortensen, C Neumayer
Media, Culture & Society 39 (8), 1111-1121, 2017
15 years of protest and media technologies scholarship: A sociotechnical timeline
C Neumayer, L Rossi
Social media+ society 2 (3), 2056305116662180, 2016
Political lurkers?
C Neumayer, J Schoßböck
Conference for e-democracy and open government, 131, 2011
Facebook for protest? The value of social software for political activism in the anti-FARC rallies
C Neumayer, C Raffl
DigiActive, 2008
Social media materialities and protest
M Mortensen, C Neumayer, T Poell
Routledge, 2018
Tweet against Nazis? Twitter, power, and networked publics in anti-fascist protests
C Neumayer, B Valtysson
MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research 29 (55), 17 p.-17 p., 2013
Contested hashtags: Blockupy Frankfurt in social media
C Neumayer, L Rossi, B Karlsson
International Journal of Communication 10, 5558-5579, 2016
Identity negotiation in activist participation
J Svensson, C Neumayer, A Banfield-Mumb, J Schossböck
Communication, Culture & Critique 8 (1), 144-162, 2015
Invisible data: A framework for understanding visibility processes in social media data
C Neumayer, L Rossi, DM Struthers
Social Media+ Society 7 (1), 2056305120984472, 2021
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