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Nuno Serra
Nuno Serra
Researcher, Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
SMOS-derived thin sea ice thickness: algorithm baseline, product specifications and initial verification
X Tian-Kunze, L Kaleschke, N Maaß, M Mäkynen, N Serra, M Drusch, ...
The Cryosphere 8 (3), 997-1018, 2014
Along-slope oceanographic processes and sedimentary products around the Iberian margin
FJ Hernández-Molina, N Serra, DAV Stow, E Llave, G Ercilla, D Van Rooij
Geo-Marine Letters 31, 315-341, 2011
Contourite processes associated with the Mediterranean Outflow Water after its exit from the Strait of Gibraltar: Global and conceptual implications
FJ Hernández-Molina, E Llave, B Preu, G Ercilla, A Fontan, M Bruno, ...
Geology 42 (3), 227-230, 2014
Physical, chemical and sedimentological aspects of the Mediterranean outflow off Iberia
I Ambar, N Serra, MJ Brogueira, G Cabeçadas, F Abrantes, P Freitas, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (19), 4163-4177, 2002
Eddy generation in the Mediterranean undercurrent
N Serra, I Ambar
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (19), 4225-4243, 2002
Observations and numerical modelling of the Mediterranean outflow splitting and eddy generation
N Serra, I Ambar, RH Käse
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (3-4), 383-408, 2005
Climate change and upwelling: response of Iberian upwelling to atmospheric forcing in a regional climate scenario
PMA Miranda, JMR Alves, N Serra
Climate dynamics 40, 2813-2824, 2013
Structure of the Mediterranean Undercurrent and Mediterranean Water spreading around the southwestern Iberian Peninsula
AS Bower, N Serra, I Ambar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 107 (C10), 25-1-25-19, 2002
Observations of the Mediterranean Undercurrent and eddies in the Gulf of Cadiz during 2001
I Ambar, N Serra, F Neves, T Ferreira
Journal of Marine Systems 71 (1-2), 195-220, 2008
The Mediterranean outflow splitting—a comparison between theoretical models and CANIGO data
KM Borenäs, AK Wåhlin, I Ambar, N Serra
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (19), 4195-4205, 2002
Oceanographic processes and morphosedimentary products along the Iberian margins: A new multidisciplinary approach
FJ Hernández-Molina, A Wåhlin, M Bruno, G Ercilla, E Llave, N Serra, ...
Marine Geology 378, 127-156, 2016
On the low-frequency phase relation between the Denmark Strait and the Faroe-Bank Channel overflows
N Serra, RH Käse, A Kähl, D Stammer, D Quadfasel
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 62 (4), 530-550, 2010
Causes of changes in the Denmark Strait overflow
A Köhl, RH Käse, D Stammer, N Serra
Journal of Physical Oceanography 37 (6), 1678-1696, 2007
Surface expression of Mediterranean Water dipoles and their contribution to the shelf/slope–open ocean exchange
N Serra, I Ambar, D Boutov
Ocean Science 6 (1), 191-209, 2010
Comparative studies of the spreading of Mediterranean water through the Gulf of Cadiz
J Johnson, I Ambar, N Serra, I Stevens
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (19), 4179-4193, 2002
Observations and laboratory modeling of meddy generation at Cape St. Vincent
N Serra, S Sadoux, I Ambar, D Renouard
Journal of physical oceanography 32 (1), 3-25, 2002
Evidence of Mediterranean water dipole collision in the Gulf of Cadiz
P L'Hégaret, X Carton, I Ambar, C Ménesguen, BL Hua, L Chérubin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (8), 5337-5359, 2014
Quality assessment of spaceborne sea surface salinity observations over the northern N orth A tlantic
J Köhler, M Sena Martins, N Serra, D Stammer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (1), 94-112, 2015
A study of meddies using simultaneous in-situ and satellite observations
PB Oliveira, N Serra, AFG Fiúza, I Ambar
Elsevier Oceanography Series 63, 125-148, 2000
Heat loss from the Atlantic water layer in the northern Kara Sea: Causes and consequences
IA Dmitrenko, SA Kirillov, N Serra, NV Koldunov, VV Ivanov, U Schauer, ...
Ocean Science 10 (4), 719-730, 2014
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