Takip et
Jose Martin
Jose Martin
Dep. Ecologia Evolutiva. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.CSIC. Spain
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The cost of producing a sexual signal: testosterone increases the susceptibility of male lizards to ectoparasitic infestation
A Salvador, JP Veiga, J Martin, P Lopez, M Abelenda, M Puertas
Behavioral Ecology 7 (2), 145-150, 1996
When to come out from a refuge: risk-sensitive and state-dependent decisions in an alpine lizard
J Martín, P López
Behavioral Ecology 10 (5), 487-492, 1999
Sources of individual shy–bold variations in antipredator behaviour of male Iberian rock lizards
P López, D Hawlena, V Polo, L Amo, J Martín
Animal Behaviour 69 (1), 1-9, 2005
Chemoreception, symmetry and mate choice in lizards
J Martín, P López
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 267 (1450 …, 2000
Tail loss reduces mating success in the Iberian rock-lizard, Lacerta monticola
J Martin, A Salvador
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 32 (3), 185-189, 1993
Basking and antipredator behaviour in a high altitude lizard: implications of heat‐exchange rate
LM Carrascal, P López, J Martín, A Salvador
Ethology 92 (2), 143-154, 1992
An experimental test of the costs of antipredatory refuge use in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis
J Martín, P López
Oikos 84 (3), 499-505, 1999
Influence of habitat structure on the escape tactics of the lizard Psammodromus algirus
J Martin, P López
Canadian Journal of Zoology 73 (1), 129-132, 1995
Nature-based tourism as a form of predation risk affects body condition and health state of Podarcis muralis lizards
L Amo, P López, J Martin
Biological Conservation 131 (3), 402-409, 2006
Individual variation in behavioural plasticity: direct and indirect effects of boldness, exploration and sociability on habituation to predators in lizards
I Rodríguez-Prieto, J Martín, E Fernández-Juricic
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1703), 266-273, 2011
Antipredator behavior in blackbirds: habituation complements risk allocation
I Rodriguez-Prieto, E Fernández-Juricic, J Martín, Y Regis
Behavioral Ecology 20 (2), 371-377, 2009
Symmetry, male dominance and female mate preferences in the Iberian rock lizard, Lacerta monticola
P López, A Muñoz, J Martín
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52 (4), 342-347, 2002
Fighting rules and rival recognition reduce costs of aggression in male lizards, Podarcis hispanica
P López, J Martín
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49 (2-3), 111-116, 2001
Effects of tail loss on the movement patterns of the lizard, Psammodromus algirus
J Martin, RA Avery
Functional Ecology 12 (5), 794-802, 1998
Reliable signaling by chemical cues of male traits and health state in male lizards, Lacerta monticola
P López, L Amo, J Martín
Journal of Chemical Ecology 32 (2), 473-488, 2006
Wall lizards combine chemical and visual cues of ambush snake predators to avoid overestimating risk inside refuges
L Amo, P López, J Martı́n
Animal Behaviour 67 (4), 647-653, 2004
Links between male quality, male chemical signals, and female mate choice in Iberian rock lizards
J Martín, P López
Functional Ecology 20 (6), 1087-1096, 2006
Chemical rival recognition decreases aggression levels in male Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanica
P López, J Martín
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51 (5), 461-465, 2002
Tail loss reduces home range size and access to females in male lizards, Psammodromus algirus
A Salvador, J Martin, P López
Behavioral Ecology 6 (4), 382-387, 1995
Habitat deterioration affects body condition of lizards: A behavioral approach with Iberolacerta cyreni lizards inhabiting ski resorts
L Amo, P Lopez, J Martin
Biological conservation 135 (1), 77-85, 2007
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