Estimation of microcystins in the freshwater fish Oreochromis niloticus in an Egyptian fish farm containing a Microcystis bloom ZA Mohamed, WW Carmichael, AA Hussein Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 18 (2), 137-141, 2003 | 269 | 2003 |
Microcystins in groundwater wells and their accumulation in vegetable plants irrigated with contaminated waters in Saudi Arabia ZA Mohamed, AM Al Shehri Journal of hazardous materials 172 (1), 310-315, 2009 | 171 | 2009 |
Removal of cadmium and manganese by a non-toxic strain of the freshwater cyanobacterium Gloeothece magna ZA Mohamed Water Research 35 (18), 4405-4409, 2001 | 165 | 2001 |
Microcystin production in benthic mats of cyanobacteria in the Nile River and irrigation canals, Egypt ZA Mohamed, HM El-Sharouny, WSM Ali Toxicon 47 (5), 584-590, 2006 | 163 | 2006 |
Polysaccharides as a protective response against microcystin-induced oxidative stress in Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus quadricauda and their possible … ZA Mohamed Ecotoxicology 17, 504-516, 2008 | 148 | 2008 |
Isolation and characterization of microcystins from a River Nile strain of Oscillatoria tenuis Agardh ex Gomont S Brittain, ZA Mohamed, J Wang, VKB Lehmann, WW Carmichael, ... Toxicon 38 (12), 1759-1771, 2000 | 148 | 2000 |
Macrophytes-cyanobacteria allelopathic interactions and their implications for water resources management—A review ZA Mohamed Limnologica 63, 122-132, 2017 | 138 | 2017 |
Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in public hot springs in Saudi Arabia ZA Mohamed Toxicon 51 (1), 17-27, 2008 | 100 | 2008 |
Occurrence of cyanobacteria and microcystin toxins in raw and treated waters of the Nile River, Egypt: implication for water treatment and human health ZA Mohamed, MA Deyab, MI Abou-Dobara, AK El-Sayed, WM El-Raghi Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 11716-11727, 2015 | 97 | 2015 |
Growth inhibition of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and degradation of its microcystin toxins by the fungus Trichoderma citrinoviride ZA Mohamed, M Hashem, SA Alamri Toxicon 86, 51-58, 2014 | 96 | 2014 |
First report on Noctiluca scintillans blooms in the Red Sea off the coasts of Saudi Arabia: consequences of eutrophication ZA Mohamed, I Mesaad Oceanologia 49 (3), 2007 | 92 | 2007 |
First report of toxic Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Raphidiopsis mediterranea (Cyanoprokaryota) in Egyptian fresh waters ZA Mohamed FEMS microbiology ecology 59 (3), 749-761, 2007 | 86 | 2007 |
Accumulation of cyanobacterial hepatotoxins by Daphnia in some Egyptian irrigation canals ZA Mohamed Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety 50 (1), 4-8, 2001 | 86 | 2001 |
Allelopathic activity of Spirogyra sp.: stimulating bloom formation and toxin production by Oscillatoria agardhii in some irrigation canals, Egypt ZA Mohamed Journal of plankton research 24 (2), 137-141, 2002 | 79 | 2002 |
Depuration of microcystins in tilapia fish exposed to natural populations of toxic cyanobacteria: a laboratory study ZA Mohamed, AA Hussein Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 63 (3), 424-429, 2006 | 74 | 2006 |
Microcystin concentrations in the Nile River sediments and removal of microcystin-LR by sediments during batch experiments ZA Mohamed, HM El-Sharouny, WS Ali Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 52 (4), 489-495, 2007 | 72 | 2007 |
Differential Responses of Epiphytic and Planktonic Toxic Cyanobacteria to Allelopathic Substances of the Submerged Macrophyte Stratiotes aloides ZA Mohamed, AM Al Shehri International Review of Hydrobiology 95 (3), 224-234, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
Potentially harmful microalgae and algal blooms in the Red Sea: Current knowledge and research needs ZA Mohamed Marine Environmental Research 140, 234-242, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Microcystin-producing blooms of Anabaenopsis arnoldi in a potable mountain lake in Saudi Arabia ZA Mohamed, AM Al Shehri FEMS Microbiology Ecology 69 (1), 98-105, 2009 | 58 | 2009 |
Activated carbon removal efficiency of microcystins in an aqueous cell extract of Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria tenuis strains isolated from Egyptian … ZA Mohamed, WW Carmichael, J An, HM El‐Sharouny Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 14 (1), 197-201, 1999 | 58 | 1999 |