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Michael Savelkoul
Michael Savelkoul
Assistant Professor - Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
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Alıntı yapanlar
Anti-Muslim attitudes in the Netherlands: Tests of contradictory hypotheses derived from ethnic competition theory and intergroup contact theory
M Savelkoul, P Scheepers, J Tolsma, L Hagendoorn
European sociological review 27 (6), 741-758, 2011
Explaining relationships between ethnic diversity and informal social capital across European countries and regions: Tests of constrict, conflict and contact theory
M Savelkoul, M Gesthuizen, P Scheepers
Social Science Research 40 (4), 1091-1107, 2011
Comparing levels of anti-Muslim attitudes across Western countries
M Savelkoul, P Scheepers, W van der Veld, L Hagendoorn
Quality & Quantity 46, 1617-1624, 2012
Neighbourhood Ethnic Composition and Voting for the Radical Right in The Netherlands. The Role of Perceived Neighbourhood Threat and Interethnic Neighbourhood Contact
M Savelkoul, J Laméris, J Tolsma
European Sociological Review, 2017
Intergroup contact is reliably associated with reduced prejudice, even in the face of group threat and discrimination.
J Van Assche, H Swart, K Schmid, K Dhont, A Al Ramiah, O Christ, ...
American Psychologist 78 (6), 761, 2023
Why lower educated people are more likely to cast their vote for radical right parties: Testing alternative explanations in The Netherlands
M Savelkoul, P Scheepers
Acta Politica 52 (4), 544-573, 2017
Does relative out-group size in neighborhoods drive down associational life of Whites in the US? Testing constrict, conflict and contact theories
M Savelkoul, M Hewstone, P Scheepers, D Stolle
Social Science Research 52, 236-252, 2015
Explaining Natives' Interethnic Friendship and Contact with Colleagues in European Regions
M Savelkoul, J Tolsma, P Scheepers
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (5-6), 683-709, 2015
The Impact of Ethnic Diversity on Participation in European Voluntary Organizations: Direct and Indirect Pathways
M Savelkoul, M Gesthuizen, P Scheepers
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 43 (6), 1070-1094, 2014
Patterns of exclusion of ethno-religious minorities: The ethno-religious hierarchy across European countries and social categories within these countries
M Gesthuizen, M Savelkoul, P Scheepers
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 82, 12-24, 2021
Has the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo fuelled resistance towards Muslim immigrants in Europe? Results from a natural experiment in six European countries
M Savelkoul, M te Grotenhuis, P Scheepers
Acta Sociologica 65 (4), 357-373, 2022
Exposure to asylum seekers and changing support for the radical right: A natural experiment in the Netherlands
J Tolsma, J Lameris, M Savelkoul
PloS one 16 (2), e0245644, 2021
Associational involvement in Dutch municipalities and neighbourhoods: Does ethnic diversity influence bonding and bridging involvement?
M Savelkoul, M Gesthuizen, P Scheepers
Urban Studies Research 2015 (1), 381730, 2015
Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital. Testing Underlying Explanations Derived from Conflict and Contact Theories in Europe and the United States
M Savelkoul
Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2014
Etnische diversiteit en sociaal kapitaal. De rol van interetnisch contact en ervaren etnische groepsdreiging
MJ Savelkoul
Migrantenstudies, 2011
Theorieën, hypothesen en operationalisaties
PLH Scheepers, W Jansen, MJ Savelkoul, J Tijmstra
Amsterdam: Boom, 2016
Grootschalig veldonderzoek
PWJN Scheepers, P.L.H. Savelkoul, M.J. Boevé, A.J. Groenestijn
Scheepers, P.; Tobi, H. (ed.), Onderzoeksmethoden (10e ed.), pp. 159-224, 2021
Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands–COVID-19 panel survey
MJM Ramaekers, MJ Savelkoul, P van Groenestijn, PLH Scheepers, ...
Ethnic diversity and dimensions of in-group solidarity
M Gesthuizen, M Savelkoul, P Scheepers
Social Conflict Within and Between Groups, 75, 2014
Political elite discourses and majority members’ beliefs about the prevalence of ethnic discrimination in Europe
K Müller, L Blommaert, M Savelkoul, M Lubbers, P Scheepers
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 35 (2), edad003, 2023
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