Domoic acid uptake and elimination kinetics in oysters and mussels in relation to body size and anatomical distribution of toxin LL Mafra Jr, VM Bricelj, K Fennel Aquatic Toxicology 100, 17-29, 2010 | 95 | 2010 |
Diversity and toxicity of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia Peragallo in the Gulf of Maine, Northwestern Atlantic Ocean LF Fernandes, KA Hubbard, ML Richlen, J Smith, SS Bates, J Ehrman, ... Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 103, 139-162, 2014 | 84 | 2014 |
Analysis of trace levels of domoic acid in seawater and plankton by liquid chromatography without derivatization, using UV or mass spectrometry detection LL Mafra Jr., C Léger, SS Bates, MA Quilliam Journal of Chromatography A 1216, 6003-6011, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Multi-species okadaic acid contamination and human poisoning during a massive bloom of Dinophysis acuminata complex in southern Brazil LL Mafra Jr, PKW Nolli, LE Mota, C Domit, M Soeth, LFG Luz, BF Sobrinho, ... Harmful Algae 89, 101662, 2019 | 57 | 2019 |
Mechanisms contributing to low domoic acid uptake by oysters feeding on Pseudo-nitzschia cells . I . Filtration and pseudofeces production SSB Luiz Laureno Mafra Junior, V. Monica Bricelj, Christine Ouellette ... Aquatic Biology 6, 201-212, 2009 | 57 | 2009 |
Ostreopsis cf. ovata Bloom in Currais, Brazil: Phylogeny, Toxin Profile and Contamination of Mussels and Marine Plastic Litter CEJA Tibiriçá, IP Leite, TVV Batista, LF Fernandes, N Chomérat, F Herve, ... Toxins 11 (8), 446, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Harmful algae and toxis in paranaguá bay, Brazil: bases for monitoring LL Mafra Junior, LF Fernandes, LAO Proença Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 54, 107-121, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Mechanisms contributing to low domoic acid uptake by oysters feeding on Pseudo-nitzschia cells. II. Selective rejection LL Mafra Jr, VM Bricelj, JE Ward Aquatic Biology 6, 213-226, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
Mechanisms contributing to low domoic acid uptake by oysters feeding on Pseudo-nitzschia cells. II. Selective rejection LL Mafra Jr., VM Bricelj, JE Ward Aquatic Biology 6, 213-226, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
Feeding mechanics as the basis for differential uptake of the neurotoxin domoic acid by oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and mussels, Mytilus edulis LL Mafra Jr., SSB V. Monica Bricelj, Christine Ouellette Aquatic Toxicology 97, 160-171, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Diarrheic toxins in field-sampled and cultivated Dinophysis spp. cells from southern Brazil LL Mafra, CPS Tavares, MA Schramm Journal of Applied Phycology 26, 1727-1739, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Differential okadaic acid accumulation and detoxification by oysters and mussels during natural and simulated Dinophysis blooms LL Mafra, T Ribas, TP Alves, LAO Proença, MA Schramm, H Uchida, ... Fisheries Science 81, 749-762, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Harmful effects of Dinophysis to the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum: Implications for prey capture LL Mafra Jr, S Nagai, H Uchida, CPS Tavares, BP Escobar, T Suzuki Harmful Algae 59, 82-90, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
Variations in morphology, growth, and toxicity among strains of the Prorocentrum lima species complex isolated from Cuba and Brazil AR Moreira-González, LF Fernandes, H Uchida, A Uesugi, T Suzuki, ... Journal of Applied Phycology 31, 519-532, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Summer bloom of Vulcanodinium rugosum in Cienfuegos Bay (Cuba) associated to dermatitis in swimmers AR Moreira-González, A Comas-González, A Valle-Pombrol, ... Science of the Total Environment 757, 143782, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
Diversity and Toxicity of the Genus Coolia Meunier in Brazil, and Detection of 44-methyl Gambierone in Coolia tropicalis CEJA Tibiriçá, M Sibat, LF Fernandes, G Bilien, N Chomérat, P Hess, ... Toxins 12 (5), 327, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Diel Variations in Cell Abundance and Trophic Transfer of Diarrheic Toxins during a Massive Dinophysis Bloom in Southern Brazil TP Alves, LL Mafra Jr Toxins 10 (6), 232, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Does Encope emarginata (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) affect spatial variation patterns of estuarine subtidal meiofauna and microphytobenthos? MC Brustolin, MC Thomas, LL Mafra, PC Lana Journal of Sea Research 91, 70-78, 2014 | 29 | 2014 |
Growth, Toxin Production and Allelopathic Effects of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries under Iron-Enriched Conditions BF Sobrinho, LM De Camargo, L Sandrini-Neto, CR Kleemann, ... Marine Drugs 15 (10), 331, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae) Molecular Phylogeny, Morphology, and Detection of Ovatoxins in Strains and Field Samples from Brazil SM Nascimento, RAF Neves, GAL De’Carli, GT Borsato, RAF da Silva, ... Toxins 12 (2), 70, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |