Takip et
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc (/jan/, he/il)
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc (/jan/, he/il)
Concordia University, Ptidej Team
concordia.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Decor: A method for the specification and detection of code and design smells
N Moha, YG Guéhéneuc, L Duchien, AF Le Meur
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 36 (1), 20-36, 2009
Feature location using probabilistic ranking of methods based on execution scenarios and information retrieval
D Poshyvanyk, YG Guéhéneuc, A Marcus, G Antoniol, V Rajlich
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (6), 420-432, 2007
Is it a bug or an enhancement? a text-based approach to classify change requests
G Antoniol, K Ayari, M Di Penta, F Khomh, YG Guéhéneuc
Proceedings of the 2008 conference of the center for advanced studies on …, 2008
An exploratory study of the impact of antipatterns on class change-and fault-proneness
F Khomh, MD Penta, YG Guéhéneuc, G Antoniol
Empirical Software Engineering 17, 243-275, 2012
An exploratory study of the impact of code smells on software change-proneness
F Khomh, M Di Penta, YG Gueheneuc
2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 75-84, 2009
An empirical study of the impact of two antipatterns, blob and spaghetti code, on program comprehension
M Abbes, F Khomh, YG Gueheneuc, G Antoniol
2011 15Th european conference on software maintenance and reengineering, 181-190, 2011
A bayesian approach for the detection of code and design smells
F Khomh, S Vaucher, YG Guéhéneuc, H Sahraoui
2009 Ninth International Conference on Quality Software, 305-314, 2009
A systematic literature review on the usage of eye-tracking in software engineering
Z Sharafi, Z Soh, YG Guéhéneuc
Information and Software Technology 67, 79-107, 2015
Demima: A multilayered approach for design pattern identification
YG Guéhéneuc, G Antoniol
IEEE transactions on software engineering 34 (5), 667-684, 2008
Code smells and refactoring: A tertiary systematic review of challenges and observations
G Lacerda, F Petrillo, M Pimenta, YG Guéhéneuc
Journal of Systems and Software 167, 110610, 2020
Fingerprinting design patterns
YG Guéhéneuc, H Sahraoui, F Zaidi
11th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 172-181, 2004
BDTEX: A GQM-based Bayesian approach for the detection of antipatterns
F Khomh, S Vaucher, YG Guéhéneuc, H Sahraoui
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (4), 559-572, 2011
Cerberus: Tracing requirements to source code using information retrieval, dynamic analysis, and program analysis
M Eaddy, AV Aho, G Antoniol, YG Guéhéneuc
2008 16th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, 53-62, 2008
Combining probabilistic ranking and latent semantic indexing for feature identification
D Poshyvanyk, A Marcus, V Rajlich, YG Gueheneuc, G Antoniol
14th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'06), 137-148, 2006
Aura: a hybrid approach to identify framework evolution
W Wu, YG Guéhéneuc, G Antoniol, M Kim
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software …, 2010
Do design patterns impact software quality positively?
F Khomh, YG Guéhéneuc
2008 12th European conference on software maintenance and reengineering, 274-278, 2008
Smurf: A svm-based incremental anti-pattern detection approach
A Maiga, N Ali, N Bhattacharya, A Sabané, YG Guéhéneuc, E Aimeur
2012 19th Working conference on reverse engineering, 466-475, 2012
Feature identification: a novel approach and a case study
G Antoniol, YG Guéhéneuc
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), 357-366, 2005
Instantiating and detecting design patterns: Putting bits and pieces together
H Albin-Amiot, P Cointe, YG Guéhéneuc, N Jussien
Proceedings 16th Annual International Conference on Automated Software …, 2001
Eye-tracking metrics in software engineering
Z Sharafi, T Shaffer, B Sharif, YG Guéhéneuc
2015 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 96-103, 2015
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